Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
No Pic Friday
I did not do right to that recipe but then I never do that for one reason or other.
I do not measure too much when I cook either , save that for baking..;-)
We live a goodly piece out of two towns we are closest too so do try to keep stuff here in pantry and our freezer is pretty loaded.
I put up fresh veggies both canned and frozen during summer.
Try to catch things on sale and put in freezer.
We do have a generator that goes on if we lose power to save our food!!!
Got to save that for sure!!;-)
Was quite a storm went through here Wed night, high winds and heavy rain for a lil bit!!
Power blinked but did not go off!!
Was up to 70 Wed too!!!! Thur back to cold cold but sunshine!
I seem to have picked up a virus bug of some kind though.
So been battling that so to speak and have not got some things done as I hoped by end of Jan!
Slowed me up ...headache, tired and well let me just say been doing a lot of reading in the hall bathroom!!!
Between that and the dark bad days we have had just have not been the happy chipper gal I normally am..;-(
Oh well this too shall pass…Oh Lord I had to say that!!!;-)
Okay back to working on the wool snowman runner!!
Remember it? If not check this post.
Weekend 'Doings'
Want to have it done by Feb 1!!!!
Also have to get my BOM by Guute on machine.
I will just save the stitchery ones for some later time.
I always like to have stitcherys on hand for our RV trips south or to the NC beach.
That way I keep busy and my eyes off the road so do not worry about DH's driving! Ha!!
This tired old slow dial up seems to be even slower than usual!!
Gurrrrrrrr!! Really does make for not being able to keep up with as many blogs as I would LOVE to do!!!
Thanks for all your sweet comments on my projects and to all who follow this blog !! I do appreciate it so much!!!!
Hummm may just have to have an APPRECIATION GIVE AWAY in a bit!!
Will try to get caught up with all your blogs again soon!!
Hugs ..from a distance so you don't get my bug!!!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Corn Chowder With Sausage and Potatoes
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Brain Dead
Have ya just ever been that way all of a sudden!!!
I tell ya with me I need meds for it I think!! :-)
I am sewing along on my squares, making really great progress then my brain an fingers decide they no longer wish to work together!!
I finally see my seam width is NOT RIGHT…what the HEY!!
Go back see what I have done and fix it.
So have to FROG a few sqs.
Then proceed to DO IT AGAIN!!
Okay Okay.. crying UNCLE!!
I take that as a sure sign this little (small in my mind anyway) stitcher gal needs to stop for the day!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Calendar Quilt Progress and BURIED TREASURE!

I got a spur under my saddle and decided to finish out the month of Jan.;-)
I still have to put the month and year on it with the Election Day info on but I am ready for Feb to begin!
I am keeping up with my color theme as I go along. Will see how far I can get before I have to BUY some fabric for it!!!!
Now as far as what the end design for the quilt will look like, no idea right now.
I may end up cutting my long strip blocks in half, and even having 2 lap quilts , will decide on that closer Dec ‘09 gets here.
For now will just do a long monthly strip.
As I was looking through my ‘fabric collections’…I came across some bags of pre-cut strips.
I recalled I was in a swap once which was called a Noodle Swap… ha!!
Anyway along with my own strips left over from other projects I had dug out I had these too.
I also dug out a bag of Christmas fab ones I had planned for doing a String Quilt!!!
I pulled out what I can use on the above mentioned Cal Quilt and was looking at the rest.
Hummmmm…. why not begin some new projects on top of all the other ones you have going on Miss Pris! (Lil devilish angel on my shoulder speak'in).. Ha!!
So I did. These lovely floral ones will be a couple pretty quilted bags, the design I have yet to draw out.
So Spring looking I think and romantic!!!
Fast patchwork! Love fast!
Other project begun was the cute quilt top up beside the Cal Quilt strips in picture above.
Was some sqs I had left over from a baby quilt I made a few years ago. Yes another bag I found! Love those zip lock Glad Bags!!
Decided I would sew up a bigger top to just have on hand.
So I am now pulling and ripping some strips of fabs for the in between strips/blocks of this top!
Maybe I should change the name of my blog to Rambin’s of a SEW WILD ‘n’ CRAZY GAL!!!
For an easy String Quilt check out this Tut! Would work for a Cal Quilt too and also easy quilt as you go for smaller projects.
Hummm.... I wonder if any one is doing the 'quilt as you go tech 'on their Calendar Quits....;-)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wise Words, Rooster Love and Food!

Some blunders and absurdities have crept in ; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day and you will begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be
Encumbered with your old nonsense.
Wow!! I do believe I was to read this one today.
Seems like this can be me 3 or more days out of the week!
I do know that this was my Mama’s attitude, that each day was a new day to begin again.
So I am giving it my best shot!
Got loads on my to do list for the year.
Hope to get some of it done.
I will reassess my list as the year goes on as I may decide to not do something or do it differently. Write nada in stone is my mantra!;-)
Did go out Sunday. SUPER COLD!!
Had a real good time with my niece and pal, Diana.
We did not really do much shopping just had a good time looking and visiting.
Did use my Joann’s coupons for thread and also bought a cute yd of Deb Mumm fab on sale.
Yummy lunch , we split an Italian Sub at a local restaurant .
Left there and went to a local thrift store.
I was surprised at how low on inventory they were. No real neat finds.
I did forget to look at wool skirts though..darn!
The Deb Mumm fab I bought will not surprise anyone who knows me well.
Look below. ;-)

I need some new things for the ‘cooking side’ of the kitchen so will do these up in pot holders and maybe trim a towel.

I love my peeps dearly but sadly they were just buying rooster/hens willy nilly and some were getting a tad out of hand… tacky I must say and God Awful Ugly in some cases.
So I let it be known I was NOT needing any more… ha!!
I myself will look but not buy. It has to REALLY BE SINGING to me. So far none in the last year.
I do have some wonderful ones I adore!!

So I turned that into my version of a Shepherd’s Pie the next day.
So pretty!!!! Was yummy too!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
We turned lights out at 12:30 AM! I did not get in bed as soon as I had wanted! We are happy though! Hubby loves his set up, with the fancy new TV and I love having my own TV for when I want to watch something different!
Oh yes the DTV fella was a nice person, did a fansatic job and he had a flat tire that made him late!!
It is 10:14 PM EST and we have a Directv fella climbing around our roof and under the house!
Can you believe that???!!
He did not make it here at 12 noon needless to say.
I am getting ready to take the cat and pup to our room and turn in for the night!!!
I was not online today much to keep phone line clear for the above mentioned person to call...;-)
I did some sewing so will share that with you all tomorrow late or Monday.
I will be out shopping/looking tomorrow , yes fabrics will be involved.

I did order a new piece of sewing equipment tonight a Janome serger, from Hancock's.
Nothing too complicated or expensive. Had a coupon and free shipping was also offered.
Should work fine for what I plan on using it for.
Well off to my bed leaving the gents to it!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Whew! What a night and Feedsack Bunny Runner
Then while DHubbs was on the PC he KILLED my MOUSE.
My fav cordless one!!! Oh dear dear!
Then house phone rings can’t find where I laid the phone so do wall one !AARRGGHH!
Well it ain’t worth a poot so when I tell son to hang on while I get other phone it does it’s thing and he thinks I hung up!
We keep it only to have when power is off to call elec company to tell them our power is off…;-). To talk on it ya have to hold the line in the phone. UGH!
Yes I know get another one…well have you tried lately to get a reg old vintage wall phone???
Not to be found!!!!
Well Dhubbs is throwing a temper, throwing pencil cause the PC will not except the reg mouse…stomp foot. Son is like I NEED to talk to Pop!!
I am like sure go for it! Ha!!
So after they chat about release of Max Payne on DVD, putting up son’s crown molding in dining room, and other odd male stuff he is calmer,figure that! Shuts PC down and it all works out. Seems my mouse needs new batteries, but hey leave the reg mouse on it and just walk away! Mr. Engineer who had a bad day at office!!!
By then though I do not feel like messing with a blog post. So this is just a few reasons I did not get this posted early !!!
So you have had just a brief glimpse( 1 hour) into my ‘real life’ here next door to Cedar Cottage at the Olde Brick Haus…;-)
Her patterns are Folk Art I did enlarge the bunnies just a bit too.
I used a combo of wool and vintage feed sacks for the bunnies , then I used some spring 30’looking calico.
I found this pale pinkish wool in my wool basket to use, so cute. I used a cream cotton thread to do the stitching on my machine.
Now all it needs is to be sandwiched and quilted! Yes another project almost done!
I decided on a runner as I use these on my old cedar chest/sofa table! Not a lot of wall space here for more hanging things.
Course this is a NEW project, see this is how sick lil mind me works, still loads on my WIP baskets!! UGH!
Heaven help this warped mind of mine!!!!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I must say NO THANKS!!! You keep it! ;-)
I was just doing a “sorta” rant about the local weather folks here who tend to be WRONG!
I am sure predicting the weather is not a perfect science!
I just wish the ones around here would get it more right than wrong on major storms of any kind.
Now we were cold. Freezing to be exact!
Was so cold one of my Snow fellas off my front door wreath was frozen to the storm door!! Ha!!
I open the door and there he is hanging by his NOSE! See??? Haa!!!!

Another rant coming!! No new HD dish either. Saw no hide nor hair of the fella to install them today. He called to say he had no HD dish! Welll!
I did call DTV and seems we get a 100.00 credit from them not showing up today!
We have a new appt time for Sat so will shall see.
Did make a delish pot of potato soup.
Nice and warm for a cold day.
Love soups!
They are so cute. Least I think so!!
Hope to have some project pics on tomorrow as I have been busy with fabric and thread!!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Well we had the snow storm that wasn't yesterday!
Everyone was all pumped and seemed to be ready for it. Even schools were closing!
What snow, no rain, only a few clouds and even had some sunshine.
We did have wind and was very cold with that and the temps, but NO SNOW!
We did have some ice patches on over passes and in some other areas.
I am shaking my head once again that our weather folks can be so certain of something then Mother Nature makes fools of them!
Now our neighbors to the south, North Carolina did get the snow, not in huge amounts but enough to make for being careful if you were out in it.
Oh well better safe then sorry as it goes.
We are waiting today on the Direct TV folks to come put up the new HD Dish and install the new receivers. Appt time..anywhere between 8AM-12 noon.
So up early , dressed and waiting.
TV already has an awesome picture on it so can only imagine how amazing it will be after we are properly hooked up!!
Oh my I may have to have my hand sewing basket full at all times so I can sew and watch TV from now on!!! At least while DHubbs is at the office and I can watch whatever I want... haa!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our America!!
Today the powers that be will change once again in Washington DC with no guns or bloodshed!
We all have the freedom to vote for who we wish, no one to say we can’t.
We may not always agree on all issues but then again..we are free to disagree!!
Today we are all one people as we watch a new person take the time honored oath of President of the United States of America!
We are all hopeful for the future , yes evening knowing it is going to be tough for a few years .
Let us all embrace our new President!!
Pray for President Obama and his family, his safety, his ability to lead and that he can be the one we need to lead us for this time.
President Bush and Mrs. Bush heading home to Texas, may they find peace and some much needed rest.
We may not agree with all his decisions but he was our leader during a very horrific time.
God Bless America and my she always be the Guiding Light of Freedom for the World!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Weekend 'doings'

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Feedsack Bunnies

Well her pattern line is Folk Art Children. Neat things that have that old fashioned feel.

I found this pale pinkish wool in my wool basket.
Will see how it works up I may do some with cream wool too.
Yes another project.!!!!!! Spring one!
Hey what can I say…keeps me out of trouble and busy.
Ya know what they say about idle hands ……………..;-)
Now of course this depends on if my hands make it through this horrid FREEZ'IN cold we have here in COASTAL SOUTHERN VIRGINIA !!! not right just not right...mumblemumble......
Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Beautiful BOM Jan Block Up Today
It is in English as well.
You will need to join up with .
Look around while there too as some other neat downloads.
You may want to use them yourself to do documents.
Yet Another BOM !!
Country Calendar at Ellie’s Quiltplace.
First one is January with a cute snowman you can do as stitchery or appliqué!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
WANTED!!!! now closed!

Thanks so much!! Check out their blogs! Fun reads too!!
Elaine of Averett Lady Nana
Ann of A Good Yarn
Laurie of Buttons n Lace
They will in turn do the PIF. So it will just keep going and maybe end up ‘huggin’ the whole world!
You can do your own PIF too don’t need to do a blog join to do it or just do a RAK and ask them to pass it on or not!! ;-)
Can you imagine the surprise and joy when someone receives a package and nothing is asked of them other then they do that same for someone else at some point in time!!
You just never know when that very act may touch someone in a special way , they may need it at that moment!
New Beginnings
I have been pondering this the last few days.
I think some folks do not even realize they have hurt you or done anything wrong when it is simply the way they may have handled a given situation in a abrupt manner or just didn't realize what they said or did affected you in any way.
But who am I not to forgive and forget, like I am perfect and have never done anything I am now ashamed of in my life!!! Yeah Right!
I have lived a little while now, hope longer, but one thing I have learned is that we all change and mature as we go along, most of us for the good..;-) I think this is part of the "with age comes wisdom....thing I was told about!"
So I have decided from today on I am letting go of past hurts, forgiving myself and others to make room for more good times and loving feelings in my future!
How about you???? Deep breath...leeettt gooo.........See feels good already!!!
I know …I know.. what did this have to do with anything I normally have on this blog….well ME! Ha!!
Hugs All Round!!!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Snow Folk Place Mats

Monday, January 12, 2009
More sewing for Gifts in ’09.

Here is another good pillow case TUT at Mary Quilts
Now this could be a Sweet Valentine Day Apron or do up in Fall or Christmas fabs too.
Ruffle Apron at One More Moore
Fabric Basket here at Orange Flower Sketchbook
J Casa * handmade also has some neat things as well.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Finished Project in 2009!!
Here is my small one block wall hanging of the Bunny Hill’s Jan BOM!
You can click on button on side bar to get her free pattern.
I have another one ready to go on machine to appliqué for the quilt.
Now maybe I can get on to the pile of WsIP that I need to FINISH from last year, year before and maybe a few from years before! HA!!
Let us hope this energy surge will last!!!!
I also worked on my Calendar Challenge this AM…have it up till Monday.
Did that as I will not have much time to work on it again till Wed.Can also click on button in side bar to check this out.
We are off to do our monthly shopping.
Hope to stock up the pantry.
Calling for snow here maybe Wed/Thur…ugh!
We shall see.
Last time I said that though we got a foot a few years ago and we had to postpone our RV departure for Florida a couple days!!
NOOO! Ha!!
Edit: Oops!! My snow fella is the strong SILENT type!!! I forgot his mouth!!! Now HOW you ask does someone do this...well let me just say if it can be muddled up I can do a BANG UP JOB of it at times.. ha!! Oh well, I do think I can fix his prob with not too much trouble.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Or as it is known in blog land PIF!!
I joined up at Pat’s wonderful blog.. A Little of This And A Little of Pat ...I am so glad I did.
Love to give gifts and share my many blessings!
Here is how it goes.
For those of you that have not seen the movie the concept is this... whenever someone does a good deed for you, instead of doing something nice back for that same person, you pay it forward.
The only responsibility you have is that you promise to also pay it forward three fold to the 3 people who join YOUR Pay It Forward that you will then post on your blog after I notify you that you are one of the three on my blog.
Make sure you have an email on your blog or profile so I can get in touch for mailing info!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Jack Pot!!
Aunt Dot will be 89 on her BD. She is a sweetheart and our only remaining senior family member! Still lives in the big old family farm house, here on the farm and does for herself and her DH.
I had asked her if she had any old feed sack material as I wanted to do up a small project.
Anyway she pulled out this box and said I could have all the old fab in it.
I had only wanted some small pieces…well look what I ended up with!
A cut out apron , all pcs ready to sew up, will be making pattern off of that.
Another small older apron, needs repair but I will make a pattern off this one as well!!

The other too, now how about that vintage 60’s wild paisley!!

Was also some made up quilt sqs in it from all kinds of fabs, including knits.
I said I would sew her and Unc O a couple lap throws with them and use the old knit yardage as backing.
Any way all in all was pretty good trade for some turnips I pulled from garden and cleaned up for her…;-) I also gave her the bag I made in the sew along as she loved it.
Now as soon a pattern I ordered gets here I can use some of these feed sacks pcs!!!
More on that later… pretties… ;-)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A Tisket a Tasket Twelve Months of Baskets!!
I have got it all cut out and fused. I am doing it by machine button hole appliqué.
Using my colors . Here is the beginning!
Have fun checking out Bunny Hill some really nice patterns, books and more freebies there!
Can sign up for her newsletter as well.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Great Summer Holiday Mystery.

The Great Summer Holiday Mystery. Summer you say…well it is Summer ‘down under’ don’t ya know!
She will take you step by step through a simple traditional quilt making process.
This would be great for new or beginner quilters to work along with Helen, learning some new tips and skills ,of course more experienced quilters are also welcome to join in too.
You may want to sign up for a free 6 part e-book she is making available which is a quilters bible, lots of tips, information and instructions about quilting, appliqué, fabric choice, sizes, cutting and more .
Helen has posted what you need to be getting together this first week to begin your sewing mystery!
So go on over and check it out!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I WON !! I WON !!

Monday, January 5, 2009
Calender Quilt Begins
Easy Stash Buster Quilt
You could make the sqs as big, bigger or smaller really.
I am doing the 10 inch ones.
Will show when I have more cut and sewed up!!!
Go check it out!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Looking sort of sad and empty here.
Always does after we do it, then it begins to look like home again once we get used to it.
Have a pot of soup on, just a throw together one. No recipe.
Beef, carrots, celery, onion, potato, cabbage, jar of my canned tomatoes, beef broth, some garlic, onion powder, parsley, oregano, black pepper , wee bit of salt. Have some peas left over may toss them in at end of cooking. No fresh bread so will serve with some saltines.
Today is cool and cloudy so a good day for soup.
Sewing today for the Calendar Quilt Challenge.
Click on the button in my side bar to go read about it.
Not hard one to follow , or I am hoping anyway!
Today is last day of the vacation time for us.
Back to 'normal' tomorrow!!!
I hit ground running with a vet appt early so no more sleeping in and back to my turns at the dog walks...;-)
Got a new camera I am learning to use and the postal scale I needed for Cedar Cottage.
So hope I will be good to go soon with grand opening!!!
Crossing fingers no more delays with health or anything else!!!
Have a good one!!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Books