Welcome to our home once again decked out for Christmas!
I was so behind this year. My big 'theme decor plan' never did quite materialize beyond the idea stage!
So I just pulled the decoration totes out and begin pulling things out.
Course trees had to be set up. We are using 2 smaller trees set up on tables instead of the bigger trees. Still a job to add all the ornies and such. They do take up less room though and no moving of furniture around too much. In a smaller house you some times have to rethink things.

This is the living room tree. I adore taking all the special ornaments out and remembering who gave them to us or where we bought them on a special trip. My DH, sweet Mama and family loved to give me Christmas items on my Nov birthday. So lots of sweet memories.

Tree is tucked in the corner by chimney and dining room doorway.
Can be seen from outside when outer door is open.

Also seen from in the kitchen! Puts out a lovely warm glow.
We use both white and color lights.
The other tree is a white one I put in dining room.
It is loaded with candy and toy type ornaments, nutcrackers ,candy canes, etc. So cute!
It looks wonderful even when not lite up!

I also put the vintage deer on it from my sweet MIL Nellie and from Aunt Dot.
We use DH's fav bubble lights on this one too. A fun tree for the kid in all of us!

I tucked this wire tree into a corner loaded with homemade swap ornies.
Sitting on the wool snowman runner.

In the living room are two other smaller trees. This one we call the bird tree. It begin with 2 antique birds from my great Aunt Mary and we added to it. Mama and I used to look for just the right ones.

The other small tree sits here. On it is very old ornaments from Germany they came down to me from my Great Grandparents. The cute music box Christmas teapot there was a BD gift from Mama. The cat's stockings hang on the plate rack.

Chimney corner with a Christmas quilt top hanging and the nativity my daughter bought me.
She was so proud earning money at her first job to be able to shop for gifts that year. It may not be the most expensive set but it is priceless to me.
Sofa area all decked out with quilts and greenery.
Grand dog's stocking hangs there.
A sweet angel looks out for the tree in living room.
She is on guard 24/7 so nothing drops off or gets knocked off and broken!
Snowman Nutcracker is counting down the days!
Yes this pic was taken a few days ago we are now 7 days till Christmas!
The dining room and kitchen look all warm and cozy cluttered up with fun stuff too!
It really is the one time of the year it is OK to pile it on!
Will try to post more pics in another post.
We have been baking and candy making so very messy!
2012 has sure been a struggle year for me in so many ways, physical , emotional and mentally!
I am determined to push forward and enjoy this special season with sweet family and good friends.
People make the memories!
So do not let a chance go by to tell someone you care about how much you love them!
One of my favorite Christmas songs is I'll Be Home For Christmas.
We can be together with those we love in our hearts and minds even if we are many many miles apart or even with those in heaven!
In this crazy world we live in knowing who and what are most important to us will help get us through.