So if you are coming to Mid Atlantic Quilt Fest Sunday, Mar 1, and see a 'mature' short fat gal in this, it is me… haaa!!! This is a Meme’s pattern. May be a free one now.
I hand appliqued this during one of DH's procedures at hospital. ;-)
I got the denim vest at thrift, it is a short one forget what they call that.
I changed out the buttons to match the back as well.
Anyway is a fun wear to these kinds of events even if I have ' filled out' somewhat since I finished it!!
Need to make me up a wall hanging with this one too, but do on machine this time...;-)
I think Sherry has some cute patterns and I happen to be a rooster kinda gal so have a few of them!!!
Thanks so much for all your nice comments on the Froggy Quilt Top!!!
Just makes me so happy to do for others!!
Yes Laurie please do one when you can , (maybe after your trip..haa!!)no time limit here!!!