Goodness.. it seems like it was just Monday! ;-)
Where do the days go???
We have had one heck of a week with pollen blowing around here.
I am so happy we had some rain come through over night.
Suppose to knock it down some.
Just can not function with the pollen at such high levels.
We are cooling off as well with the cold front coming through.
More seasonal temps Spring instead of Summer!
Yeah baby!
Did not get all my To Do List done so hope to do more on weekend.
Did find out I can not move some peonies now I have been needing/wanting to move.
Once again they must wait... a Fall move is best.
Figure we will just get the bed ready now.

Got DH's
nap quilt top done.
It really is straight!
I pinned it over the window treatment so looks rippled!
Found this nice Woolrich Home flannel twin sheet set at Targets a while back for 6 Bucks!
So decided to use the fitted sheet as the backing on this one. So soft! Colors match too.

I just cut around the elastic and trimmed out the seams.
Left me with a right good size piece of yardage!
Will use the flat sheet and pillow case for other projects.
Want to layer the quilt later today.
DH is planning on
smoking meat Saturday so lower temps will work good for him.
He will load the smoker up with lots of pork butts.
After the long cooking process he will
chop the meat.
We then will bag some up to
freeze and share some.
He also mixes up his 'secret' BBQ Sauce so we can have some
BBQ Sammies for all our hard messy work!
Oh yes it is messy from the smoke smell to the chopping mess.
I am so lucky as I get to wash all up! ;-)
Oh well small price to pay I reckon for such
I know some have snow !!I am so sorry. I hope it is the last for a long while!! Our last frost date is April 15th! I do hope we pass that date with NONE! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!