Fresh from the garden …our butter crunch and romaine, and some Black Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce from nephew’s garden , radishes, green onions and parsley tossed with some bought cukes, celery, carrots and green peppers.
Tossed in some grilled chicken, by nephew, boiled eggs and extra sharp farmers cheese. Tossed with some wonderful dressing! Such a delish light supper!
Now if only we had a nice red ripe 'mater too add… oh well they too will come and be sooo worth the wait! They are getting bigger by the day!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Watermelon Theme Swap Blocks
Oh my... I hanging my head in shame ...these are from a block swap in 2004!!
I do have good reasons they did not get done then. I just put them away.
My Mama became ill and passed away with in just a few months.
So 2004 is what I call my lost year.
Now I am digging out UFO's and hoping to get them done!!!
Into quilts, hangings, runners or whatever comes to me!!;-)
Pat blogged yesterday a watermelon pattern for a skinny cute hanging that set off bells in my head about these blocks.
So I told her I would blog them today so here they are!!
Need to take them with me to the quilt store and find some sashing fab, backing and such.
Pieced block below.
I do have good reasons they did not get done then. I just put them away.
My Mama became ill and passed away with in just a few months.
So 2004 is what I call my lost year.
Now I am digging out UFO's and hoping to get them done!!!
Into quilts, hangings, runners or whatever comes to me!!;-)
Pat blogged yesterday a watermelon pattern for a skinny cute hanging that set off bells in my head about these blocks.
So I told her I would blog them today so here they are!!
Need to take them with me to the quilt store and find some sashing fab, backing and such.
Cute one done on embroidery machine.
See the lil ants??
Pieced block below.
Hope you can see the other 3 also they were too blurred when I loaded them up.
One is pieced with a fabric painted crow in middle, lower right.
One is pieced with a wool crow sewed on, lower left.
Also the one done as a log cabin with crow added second down right side.
The others I recall do not have blogs.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Past projects...
Since I do not have anything I can share NOW will share some things I have done.
I have made a lot of totes and purses over the years.
Here is a cute beach tote I came up with.
The flip flop pattern was from a quilt block designed by Jeree’ McDade.
A cute quilt called Sandal Savvy she had in McCall’s Quick Quilts, July 2006.
May be available in a back issues.
I have made a lot of totes and purses over the years.
Here is a cute beach tote I came up with.
The flip flop pattern was from a quilt block designed by Jeree’ McDade.
A cute quilt called Sandal Savvy she had in McCall’s Quick Quilts, July 2006.
May be available in a back issues.
Flip Flops on the big side pockets on each side.
Ties make it easy to stuff with stuff and still close.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A reminder....

....from Aunt Dot today. She wanted to be sure I did not forget her doctor appointment this Friday.
Yes.. I have it marked on the calender and we will be ready to go by 9AM across the JRB to the big city.
I chuckle to myself recalling the last appointment with Aunt Dot at this same office.
Yes it really happened on and laugh yes laugh at my expense!
At a skin medical appointment with Aunt Dot, who will be 89 in July, in exam room.
Amanda the NP is checking out her new skin spots.
Amanda stops looks all around.
Amanda the NP is checking out her new skin spots.
Amanda stops looks all around.
Amanda you hear that noise?
Me.. no, don’t hear anything.
Amanda.. humm well I do..sort of a ticking noise.
Aunt Dot….yes I heard that too.
Amanda proceeds to ‘follow’ the suspicious noise.
Ends up in front of me bent over, eye level.
Amanda…it is YOU! You are ticking!
YES.. suddenly I felt the fool as I heard the ticking also…!!!NO!
First let me say, you can get so used to a sound or anything really that you no longer pay any attention to it.
Okay the ticking was…my Dad’s old pocket watch!!!!
I keep it with me all the time now.He passed in 1979.
It can be comforting when I put it to my ear.
Never really think about it just wind it up from habit.
If I have no pocket will put in my bag.
Yes you CAN hear it ticking, and in a closed in room like an exam room it can be very noticeable!!!
Never really think about it just wind it up from habit.
If I have no pocket will put in my bag.
Yes you CAN hear it ticking, and in a closed in room like an exam room it can be very noticeable!!!
Now as far and Aunt Dot hearing it..well that is debatable but will just keep that to myself…after all she does know I carry it around!!
Life with Lola can be rather humorous at times or at best not boring!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tea Cup Tuesday...

Teacup time again.!!!
Kim is Hostess of these Tea Cup Tuesdays posts.
She has a list of blogs posting today so check them out on her blog.
Here is my offering today.
Another very pretty pink roses tea cup and saucer.
It is in used shape, some staining on inside saucer. Gold leafing is a little faded but not too much.
Has that shinny finish on it...darn can't think of what it is called!!
She has a list of blogs posting today so check them out on her blog.
Here is my offering today.
Another very pretty pink roses tea cup and saucer.
It is in used shape, some staining on inside saucer. Gold leafing is a little faded but not too much.
Has that shinny finish on it...darn can't think of what it is called!!
Sorry pic is not great for some reason could not get camera to flash!
I have had this one a very long time. This was a gift to me from a very good pal many years ago.
Hope you enjoy the peek at it…;-)
Hope you enjoy the peek at it…;-)
Sorry this post is late. Silly me did not have right time to post on it !!!
Thanks also to everyone who has wished me well!! HUGS!!
I feel loads better now just need to get back on the wagon and build up my energy again.
I am sure loads of new blog posts for me to see!!
Did a couple cute things for some swaps will show when they receive them.
Still working on a couple other send away projects.
Not hard ones just was so sick did not want to mess them up trying to do when did not feel good!!
Do have to do some house work here that is behind. May have to call in some help... ha!!
Seems like it does not take but a couple days for the dust and mess to build right back up again!! Same with floors!!
So this all has to be brought up to date before I can just sit and do as I wish in the sewing room...just the way I someone we all know and love says.... ha!!
Had a lovely picnic dinner in Smithfield at our nephew's home, he and his lovely wife fixed for us!
Spent some time eating and visiting under their lovely huge trees in back yard!
So today is Tuesday but for me will feel like Monday so the rest of my week will be a tad off.. ha!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day

So many folks now think of it as a day off work to shop, play at the beach , fish and have fun on a long weekend.
Well yes it can be all that but I sure hope you take a few moments of Memorial Day to thank our many service men and women, past and present for that freedom. We owe them at least a Thank You.
Well yes it can be all that but I sure hope you take a few moments of Memorial Day to thank our many service men and women, past and present for that freedom. We owe them at least a Thank You.
Memorial Day is a special day to celebrate, honor and remember the lives that have been lost at the service of our nation.

The National Moment of Remembrance is at 3pm Monday so wherever you are please join in one minute of silence as a show of national unity.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tea Cup Tuesday....

Well that time again. Kim is Hostess of these Tea Cup Tuesdays posts.
She has a list of blogs posting today so check them out.
Here is my offering today.
A very pretty pink cabbage roses tea cup and saucer.
The colors are still just as vibrant and the gold leafing is still in great shape.
The saucer has more bowl shape to it too.
Makes for easier holding as well.
On bottom says Royal A VALE 4 Bone China Made in England.
I have had this one a very long time. I do not recall how I acquired it.
Hope you enjoy the peek at it…;-)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Yes that scream came from me..well my finger tips as I cannot make as much as a groan without my throat hurting!!!
I was so happy cause I thought I had got over the head /throat mess of last week or so!
We went to a very fun nice get together at our son’s home Sat evening.
Got back home about 10PM or so went to bed as was tired.
Woke up Sunday morning and WHAM!!
No voice unless you call a deep bass squeaky groan having a voice.
Head so stopped up cannot breath, and a headache.
DH went to drug store and got me some stuff…sure hope it helps soon.
Upside may be I lose weight….. just on hot tea, soup and jello….;-)
I am so tired of getting these ’colds’ I guess will call it.
Now if it settles down in chest or kicks up sinus infection will have to go visit a doctor.
I take meds that lower my immune system but have meds and such to take that is suppose to help that too!!!
UGH! Can’t win!!
On top of this we got 2 inches rain yesterday in less than 2 hrs …woke up this AM to 49 degrees!!!!!
Sorry best post I can do today and I know you have better things to do than read my whining posts. Don't even bother to respond.
Go sew or do something fun…. go on scoot.. I would if I could so do it for me!!! ;-)
Hey D is this ‘real’ enough for you??? ;-)
Yes that scream came from me..well my finger tips as I cannot make as much as a groan without my throat hurting!!!
I was so happy cause I thought I had got over the head /throat mess of last week or so!
We went to a very fun nice get together at our son’s home Sat evening.
Got back home about 10PM or so went to bed as was tired.
Woke up Sunday morning and WHAM!!
No voice unless you call a deep bass squeaky groan having a voice.
Head so stopped up cannot breath, and a headache.
DH went to drug store and got me some stuff…sure hope it helps soon.
Upside may be I lose weight….. just on hot tea, soup and jello….;-)
I am so tired of getting these ’colds’ I guess will call it.
Now if it settles down in chest or kicks up sinus infection will have to go visit a doctor.
I take meds that lower my immune system but have meds and such to take that is suppose to help that too!!!
UGH! Can’t win!!
On top of this we got 2 inches rain yesterday in less than 2 hrs …woke up this AM to 49 degrees!!!!!
Sorry best post I can do today and I know you have better things to do than read my whining posts. Don't even bother to respond.
Go sew or do something fun…. go on scoot.. I would if I could so do it for me!!! ;-)
Hey D is this ‘real’ enough for you??? ;-)
Friday, May 15, 2009
I have had them galore!!!
So nice to have real fresh flowers in the house to enjoy!!
I am the Lady of the Manor arranging them…;-)
The blooming peonies at the old cottage really were spectacular.
I could not just leave them there for no one to enjoy so did up 2 huge bouquets for the house.
Then there was the iris I cut before those last rains came in.
Rain does not treat them well. Have mostly all bloomed now.
Next the tea roses off a very old bush.
So sweet!!!
So nice to have real fresh flowers in the house to enjoy!!
I am the Lady of the Manor arranging them…;-)
The blooming peonies at the old cottage really were spectacular.
I could not just leave them there for no one to enjoy so did up 2 huge bouquets for the house.
Then there was the iris I cut before those last rains came in.
Rain does not treat them well. Have mostly all bloomed now.
Next the tea roses off a very old bush.
So sweet!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Our 'outside life'
As you know if you read me regularly we have flowers and such along with a veggie garden.
Not anything magazine worthy or done like the HGTV experts, just us or now DH doing our own thing.
Not anything magazine worthy or done like the HGTV experts, just us or now DH doing our own thing.
The clematis are beautiful this year and taking over the porch railing!!
Have had other beautiful blooms this spring as well. So nice after a couple drought years to see it all lovely again.
We have a plot out back we till up then plant veggie seeds and plants in it.
A few things stay there from year to year . Berry bushes(blueberry, raspberry, blackberry), herbs (parsley,dill, sage, summer basil), we do over winter crops too.
DH did a raised bed as well with really great soil we are filling up.
Plants are filling out and tomatoes already have blooms.
DH did a raised bed as well with really great soil we are filling up.
Plants are filling out and tomatoes already have blooms.
So in a couple weeks will really be a sight to see!

Tomatoes above with some snaps/green beans coming up in next row.

Tomatoes above with some snaps/green beans coming up in next row.
Also some kale you can see as well.
Along with squash, lettuce, radishes, green peppers, watermelons, cantaloupes, brussels sprouts.
Cukes here, onions, eggplant, potatoes, carrots, hot peppers.
Shoot I can't recall all that is planted but if it all makes we will be busy..putting up and eating fresh!!
This is not near what we used to raise when kids were home but enough for just us.
I always have enough to can and freeze for winter.
We buy from local farmers our corn and butter beans.
We also are blessed with folks who will share their bounty as well with us.
So hope this will be a good year for everyone growing food this year.
Next will share some beautiful bouquets I have enjoyed in the house this week.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sneak Peek....

Here is a lil peek at some PIF gifts that I am working on...;-)
All I can say is STINK'IN CUTE !!!!
Hope to have my surprises mailed out soon!!
Also here is my sewing room kitty diva.. Miz Cocoa Kitty all sprawled out.
She is a mess and a half!!;-)
Pic a tad blurred, but you get the idea!
Yes she owns this room! Ha!!
Thanks so much for all the get well wishes!! Hugs!!
I don't feel well but don't feel any worse so maybe that means this mess is getting ready to depart!!
Will post garden pics tomorrow and some lively shots of my flowers!!
Yes not only sewing blogged on here ...we read, cook & eat, garden, decorate & paint, collect treasures, sometimes even clean and reorganize.....haa!!!
Yes they are all hers... 5 boys and one sweet spoiled lil gal!! ;-)
Will be here for Gram and Gramps to spoil them all in Nov!
Anyone know why Blogger no longer does paragraphs well for me????????;-(
Using the lil smiles to separate for now!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tea Cup Tuesday ........
Well seems there are some who share tea cups on Tuesdays on blogs.

I saw this on Happy Cottager Quilter!
Some pretty ones too.
I do not have a large collection, lost some that got broke in a move.
Was so sad but what can you do.
So here is my first Tea Cup Tuesday post.

This is a really pretty dainty sweet one I think
All I know is I like it. ;-)
On bottom saucer has a seal with L 'crown' H and says Royal Halsey very fine.
I also have used every cup...and every tea pot too!!!
I may as well enjoy them while they are mine.
Also Pat Sloan has details on a tea cup block called...'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' block swap on her game site... so check it out too.
I bought the latest book in the Elm Creek Quilts Series from Jennifer Chiaverinni, The Lost Quilter.

Went to a new Barnes &Nobles that has opened, so nice.
Used a Mom's Day gift card.. and sweet niece D had member card for extra discount.;-)
So far slow getting into it, will keep at it.
Sore throat today and yucky head.
Seems this stuff going around along with pink sure hope I did not pick up that bug too!!!!!!
Wanted to say Thank you for all the sweet comments and Mom's Day wishes!
Had a lovely weekend with some of my lovies!!
Hope everyone had a nice Sunday as well!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009

I miss my Mama…very much.
I just wish I could kiss her cheek one more time and say Happy Mother’s Day to the Sweetest Mama in the whole world!
She is forever in my heart and not a day goes by that I do not ‘chat with her’ and blow kisses up to her in heaven.
I know we cannot stay here forever we all have to pass on eventually.
I hope and pray I leave behind lots of wonderful loving memories for my children and grands, just like my Mama.:-)
From this.. and Sew On Mama to all the wonderful Moms in Blog Land!!!!
Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!
Enjoy your day you have earned it!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Slow week...
Been a slow week least for me.
Knees are still being slow.
Wed, DH had his test and we come home very tired, me from waiting, him from drugs…;-)
Still have our wacky weather… hot, cool, wind, rain, rain, rain…thunder& lightening rain, rain, rain.
DH started cutting grass yesterday evening but storms came in so had to stop.
Right now rain gauge is at over 3 inches.
Yes we needed rain but hey we need it spread out more!
Sadly yes we are picky like that! Haaa!
More storms today and tomorrow so the weather folks say.
Sun is in and out and not real warm yet.
Back to a HOT sizzle tomorrow then back done in 70’s for Sunday and beginning of week.
Also having Internet server troubles.UGH!
Cannot stay connected long, takes forever to load up pages as in my blog or yours to post a comment!
Same with my email so if I do not get right back to you please do not think I am being rude.
Called them yesterday and they have yet to get back to me.
Strawberry season is here!! YES!
Always can time it right at or right after Mom’s Day!
We will get a bucket full to eat fresh along and put some in freezer.
May do a few ½ pint jars of jam as well.

Above is some wool strawberry pin keeps I made.
I still want to add a few small black beds to them.
Love ‘em!!! Added one to a Giveaway I did a few months back.
I also made a strawberry/watermelon purse last year so need to dig that out to use for a bit!!

Check out this site for Strawberry recipes , tips and such on the fruit!
Fabulous Foods
Strawberry ‘related’ sewing projects.
Small Strawberry Quilt by Dannielle
Strawberry Ornies by Dannielle ..could be lil pin cushions too.
Walnut Hollow Basket of Strawberries
Martha Stewart pin cushions
Cute Felt Berries by Mr. Monkey Suit
Strawberry Potholder..make a nice quilt square as well.
To do you a RED WORK berry, just draw out one on some tone on tone cotton or tea dyed muslin, ( I use a red thin pen) back with a thin pc of batting or just use double fabric, then use a shade of red DMC or cotton thread you like go to it…;-)
Lots of coloring pages online you could use for the outlines just do a search for strawberry coloring pages.
BIG DEAL!!!!!!!
Also check out Quilters Quarters for signing up for the $10,000 Dream Sewing Room Make Over. Thanks Sheila for the heads up on this!!!
Knees are still being slow.
Wed, DH had his test and we come home very tired, me from waiting, him from drugs…;-)
Still have our wacky weather… hot, cool, wind, rain, rain, rain…thunder& lightening rain, rain, rain.
DH started cutting grass yesterday evening but storms came in so had to stop.
Right now rain gauge is at over 3 inches.
Yes we needed rain but hey we need it spread out more!
Sadly yes we are picky like that! Haaa!
More storms today and tomorrow so the weather folks say.
Sun is in and out and not real warm yet.
Back to a HOT sizzle tomorrow then back done in 70’s for Sunday and beginning of week.
Also having Internet server troubles.UGH!
Cannot stay connected long, takes forever to load up pages as in my blog or yours to post a comment!
Same with my email so if I do not get right back to you please do not think I am being rude.
Called them yesterday and they have yet to get back to me.
Strawberry season is here!! YES!
Always can time it right at or right after Mom’s Day!
We will get a bucket full to eat fresh along and put some in freezer.
May do a few ½ pint jars of jam as well.

Above is some wool strawberry pin keeps I made.
I still want to add a few small black beds to them.
Love ‘em!!! Added one to a Giveaway I did a few months back.
I also made a strawberry/watermelon purse last year so need to dig that out to use for a bit!!

Check out this site for Strawberry recipes , tips and such on the fruit!
Fabulous Foods
Strawberry ‘related’ sewing projects.
Small Strawberry Quilt by Dannielle
Strawberry Ornies by Dannielle ..could be lil pin cushions too.
Walnut Hollow Basket of Strawberries
Martha Stewart pin cushions
Cute Felt Berries by Mr. Monkey Suit
Strawberry Potholder..make a nice quilt square as well.
To do you a RED WORK berry, just draw out one on some tone on tone cotton or tea dyed muslin, ( I use a red thin pen) back with a thin pc of batting or just use double fabric, then use a shade of red DMC or cotton thread you like go to it…;-)
Lots of coloring pages online you could use for the outlines just do a search for strawberry coloring pages.
BIG DEAL!!!!!!!
Also check out Quilters Quarters for signing up for the $10,000 Dream Sewing Room Make Over. Thanks Sheila for the heads up on this!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I wonder....
This is one of those ‘I wonders’.
You know you see something and wonder what in the world folks were thinking!!
Here it is…a woven coverlet, sorta.
By that I mean you can see it was made up in 3 sections. I was told that was because that was the size of the loom. No fringe on it either. It is heavy though.
You know you see something and wonder what in the world folks were thinking!!
Here it is…a woven coverlet, sorta.
By that I mean you can see it was made up in 3 sections. I was told that was because that was the size of the loom. No fringe on it either. It is heavy though.
Now the ‘I wonder’ part comes from where I found it.
Dumpster..yes you have that right..a garbage dumpster!
Was one of the many things I found back when we used to have them sitting on the farm for locals to use, and abuse, another story!
I did bring it home and yes washed in machine..gasp!!
It is not a high dollar find that can be auctioned off for a C note or 2 but what a shame to throw out someone’s hard labor.
So I had to wonder what ‘they’ were thinking to toss it in the trash!
Besides I am a sucker for blue and white!!
Dumpster..yes you have that right..a garbage dumpster!
Was one of the many things I found back when we used to have them sitting on the farm for locals to use, and abuse, another story!
I did bring it home and yes washed in machine..gasp!!
It is not a high dollar find that can be auctioned off for a C note or 2 but what a shame to throw out someone’s hard labor.
So I had to wonder what ‘they’ were thinking to toss it in the trash!
Besides I am a sucker for blue and white!!
I have had many ideas as to what to do with it…pillows, table runner, chair cushions, maybe recover an ottoman…so far it stays folded up in a stack of quilts on an old chest in our bedroom…seems happy there.
We have rain today. Yes we need it but does make for gloom.
Deb is coming over to have me look at her machine.
Oh dear! She needs to really think about getting a decent one.
No not a high dollar one but just a step up from her 69.99 one! Ha!
Wants to make a pin cushion.
No idea which one has caught her eye. haa!
I sat my stuff aside so we can have room to play.
I also need to get some hand work ready for my waiting time tomorrow.
DH has a long reg bi-annual test tomorrow begging at 11 AM.
Will need something to work on or read.
So time to decide on a stitchery to take!!
Got a book to toss in bag.
Monday, May 4, 2009
After 2 PM....
Well it is after 2PM here any way in my part of the world.
So that pretty much does it for me.
If I have not finished my list of stuff I want to do by then, well it will not get done today so goes on tomorrows list!
Seems to me once 2PM hits then BAM!! it is 5PM and time to serve supper!
We got some storms over weekend , well most on Sunday.
Got some much needed rain on the veggies and new flowers.
We just hung out here at the house.
DH fixed a great Sunday morn breakfast YUM!!

I did straighten up my seeing room somewhat.
At least enough to see the floor;-)
I also got my pieced Cottage Garden runner quilted and binding on.
May have over quilted it… ha!
Was using it to get back in the groove on the machine with left leg.
I am trying to ‘teach’ my left side to do things better!;-)
Right side tends to want to rest more often!
Anyway here it is.

What helped was these ‘new gloves’ we bought at a trip to Walmart into the gardening center.
Called Grippers by Midwest Gloves and Gear.
I mean they are awesome not just for in sewing room.;-)
I used then to open tough jars and also to help me ’hold’ Cocoa Kitty to take her meds.
She REALLY REALLY does not want to take it ! Ha!!
So check them out next time you are in there. Cheaper than the ones at the quilt shop!!!

So that pretty much does it for me.
If I have not finished my list of stuff I want to do by then, well it will not get done today so goes on tomorrows list!
Seems to me once 2PM hits then BAM!! it is 5PM and time to serve supper!
We got some storms over weekend , well most on Sunday.
Got some much needed rain on the veggies and new flowers.
We just hung out here at the house.
DH fixed a great Sunday morn breakfast YUM!!

I did straighten up my seeing room somewhat.
At least enough to see the floor;-)
I also got my pieced Cottage Garden runner quilted and binding on.
May have over quilted it… ha!
Was using it to get back in the groove on the machine with left leg.
I am trying to ‘teach’ my left side to do things better!;-)
Right side tends to want to rest more often!
Anyway here it is.

What helped was these ‘new gloves’ we bought at a trip to Walmart into the gardening center.
Called Grippers by Midwest Gloves and Gear.
I mean they are awesome not just for in sewing room.;-)
I used then to open tough jars and also to help me ’hold’ Cocoa Kitty to take her meds.
She REALLY REALLY does not want to take it ! Ha!!
So check them out next time you are in there. Cheaper than the ones at the quilt shop!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sewing for the day which is really 'non sewing' but can be called sewing prep work.
I spent most of it cutting out dog bandannas or scarves.
Yes we have gone to the dogs around here.
Would be cats too except don’t know 'bout yours but ours are Kitty DIVAS with 'tude .
They will not be caught in any way with anything ‘pretty’ tied, clipped or buckled onto their elegant necks.
This is my very small part time job. Making these cute scarves up for a groomer shop.
No, will not make me rich but can make for some guilt free spending money at LQS!
Also keeps my sweetie pup in a nice wardrobe.
I spent most of it cutting out dog bandannas or scarves.
Yes we have gone to the dogs around here.
Would be cats too except don’t know 'bout yours but ours are Kitty DIVAS with 'tude .
They will not be caught in any way with anything ‘pretty’ tied, clipped or buckled onto their elegant necks.
This is my very small part time job. Making these cute scarves up for a groomer shop.
No, will not make me rich but can make for some guilt free spending money at LQS!
Also keeps my sweetie pup in a nice wardrobe.
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