Ours started on Christmas evening as we were leaving our family gathering.
Those flurries coming down seemed sort of nice and more like Christmas on the 17 or so mile drive home.
Oh goodness we did not think we would wake up Sunday morning to a white out and winds!
Kept coming down all day then today,Monday, we wake up to 14inches!!!!
Windy but sunshine!!!! Sun is helping to melt it!
DH cleaned off the autos and sun finished the job! ;-)
Also the steps and porch I did.
As I type this hear our neighbor from up the road plowing!

Looking up our road.

Over the field to woods in back.

Across the field to the woods on our right.

Now where are those steps again????

Front walkway here somewhere!!

Poor Frosty is buried!!!

This is me in my bag lined(high fashion ya know) boots. ;-)
Hard to tell but snow is almost to the tops.

Oh look...almost looks like a thatched roof!!!
As pretty as all this is, I wish it away!
No way can we get out to main roads!
If something happened(us, Aunt Dot or Ollie) and rescue squad was needed, would take a long while if they could even get here.
We are blessed the power did not go out.
It blinked enough to make me nervous, with the wind blowing and limbs dropping.
Some did lose power in Va Beach.
We did lose our TV and internet for a bit.
We are to warm up to high 50's or even 60 by week's end!
Come on warm temps!!!!
I hope all who were in the path of this storm are warm and dry .
Safe and snug in your own homes!