Today is also my Sis-in -law's birthday.
I think she is maybe 17 today! Forever young!!! Hahaha!
We do celebrate her birth every year but she only has a real calendar day every 4 years!

Such a Sew and Sew is hosting a Leap Day Giveaway Blog Hop!
Lots of wonderful giveaways on many blogs!
So be sure to go on over and check it out!
Now one of the books I bought at the quilt show was by The Buggy Barn.
Meggie found it interesting. So here is more about it Meggie!

It is called Frightfully Crazy!

Love them Crazy Jacks!
It is a technique I have never done!

This is the back. Cool looking quilt!

Love these dudes too!

My Fav though has to be this one..If The Hat Fits!!
I hope I can do up maybe a combo of the jacks and these gals!!!
My tutor and partner in crime will be Alice.
Lord I sure hope she will be a patient instructor!!!
I know when I have tried Paper Piecing on my own I just would get so frustrated I could throw it in the trash! Think my poor brain is a one way street! hahaha!
Do hope this is not that bad!!
The Buggy Barn offers their own fabric line too ..yes I have some!;-)
Wool bundles too along with kits for some neat wool projects!
Check 'em out!
So go forth leap into and enjoy this extra day we have today!
Will not see another one for a few more years!!!!