Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day..Remember
Take a moment at 3PM your local time to join in the National Moment of Remembrance.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hello and again Thank You!
Our little man is struggling now.
He is in withdrawal from some of his meds.
They have him on another drug that is suppose to help.
Running a bit of a high temp.
Zavie had a wound develop on his leg. It is better.
Was treated for shingles also.
Day by day all any of us can do.
Kristy is doing the best she can for Zavie and her other 5 kiddos.
We appreciate so very much everyone who has offered to donate to the family.
Just not sure how to go about that other than to my Pay Pal and I use for gift cards.
I reckon you could send a gift card or phone card (net 10 )to them using Zavier's hospital address as well. Need to ask about that.
Please understand I am not using my blog to solicit any money!!
I am simply answering some who asked about it.
Thanks so much!
If you knit or crochet soft yarn beanies or caps would be sweet as well.
Zavier loves his camouflage so need to find some in soft fleece.
Cut out a soft blue fleece cap to sew up.
Make Wish has Zavie thinking about his wish. Hard for him.
I can understand that too!
If ya had one big wish what would it be!?!
Have to keep the other kiddos in mind as well so trying to spread the love all around!!
Hard to be a long distance Granny under these circumstances.
Hoping for another visit when I can get things to a point I can fly out.
Now as for sewing...well not much.
Did make myself a dress.
Had too, had nothing to wear on Mother's Day!
Have a pair of jeans to shorten to capris or walking shorts.
Found them at a local thrift for 2.99! Deal!
Pulled fabric for a top to sew up for a Saturday event!
I have gained some(a lot) weight!
Now trying to get rid of it!!
What a job!

Chunky me!! I am very much my Mama's child!
Mama's best bud, Grace, thought it was her coming in the door!!!
Mama was taller than me and so never looked chubby!
Me ...well I am short, so the tune "I am a lil teapot short n stout" comes to mind!!

This is a simple dress .
McCall's 8108.
It is a 1 Hour Dress Pattern.
Just take those measurements and cut to suit!
Today Uncle Ollie turns 89.
Found him a bag of books at the thrift.
He is a reading machine!
So off this afternoon to do a visit with him and Aunt Dot who will be 91 in July.
Time with those we love is precious!
I hope you all have said I love you to those special ones in your life today!!!
Take care and God bless!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hello, Update and Thank you!
Sorry about not sending out an update sooner. I have just been wiped out since our Easter visit to Nashville. Long drive there and our return drive was in very bad weather! Gas prices are out of site also! Can’t see much travel for us as long as it is 4 bucks a gallon!! Was sad to leave there but went knowing we had to get back to VA. So much to do to get caught up here and had appts of our own.

This is the simple block quilt I made for Zavier.

He loved it! Here I am with him!
I knew when we got back here the news would not be sent in a timely(grandma) fashion! Pics will be few if any as the camera we gave them has been misplaced. Oh Dear!
Zavier has made some wonderful progress!!
The radiation and chemo seems to be making that mean old tumor shrink and shrivel!
YES!! He now can lay on his back , sit up in the room chair and more movement!!
Has some feeling in his toes again!
Soon will be wheeling around the ward.
Doctors, nurses and PT staff are very pleased with his wonderful progress.
A lot more treatments to go but this just seems miraculous to me after how low Zavie was when we were there!
Still has to have feeding tube and some pain meds but we hope that will be improving soon as well!
This is going to be a long hospital stay for Zavier. 6mths or longer.
Daughter is carrying quite a large load but she is blessed with some good friends and neighbors.
There are some personal troubles and financial struggles in her family now as well.
Hard to have to sit back and watch our grown children struggle with their lives.
Sadly that is what we have to do as we can’t make the choices for them.
We will do what we can to best help out from here.
I am researching charities, groups and fundraising to try get some help with the extra costs, gas for the travel back and forth to hospital, day care for the other 5 children, food for family when they are all at hospital.
If you know of any agencies or organizations I can contact, please email me the info!! ‘help’ in the title.
Thanks so much for all the concern, prayers and gestures of love and friendship you have shown myself and my sweet grandson!
As my Mama used to say…May you be blessed REAL GOOD!

These are my last peonies I picked for Sunday, Mother’s Day.
I spent the day at our sons home.
Was a wonderful day!
Hope all you wonderful Moms had a delightful Mother's Day and were treated in some way you enjoyed also!!!