We got sunshine…on the snow today….
Yes it's cold outside but I got the month of May.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
Sunshine ..Sunshine… Sunshine
Talkin' 'bout sunshine…
Sorry Temptations just had to use your tune for my tune… hahaha!!

Yes very cold still.
Was single digits over night.
Had a pipe freeze scare but DH caught in time.
We keep spigots dripping and they stopped!!
Had to add a heater to pump house as light alone was not enough.
Thawed right out as it had just begun.

Have sun streaming into the sewing room/studio from the double windows.
So I feel sort of peppy!! ;-)
Going to sew a bit.

Think I will just stay inside today and enjoy the beauty outside from my windows only.
Yes even those icicles are pretty!!!
So nice and still out.. quite too as very few trucks coming by as the road is ice mostly.
No paper delivery today either and I am sure no mail tomorrow .
None since Friday.
Only bad thing is some of my meds come by mail and I need them.
Oh well we all have something to deal with so I am sure I will make it through as well.
They are already up!!