Man did I lose my edge fast! Back to slow going here.
Not much getting done sewing wise.
I have pulled fabric for a No Sew Block exchange just have not cut much yet..;-(
I do have 2 heart blocks set up to sew...just need to do it.
Well AFTER I put them BACK into right position on my chart.. after Cocoa Kitty checked them out!

Here she is peeping at me from the book shelf stealing my heating pad I had laid there for a minute! Silly girl!;-)
I did get the living room holiday decor put away.
This always puts me in the mood to tweak and change things around.
Only furniture that was moved was the chair and chest by fireplace switched places..was lucky I could budge that chest at all.. haha!
Hung up a different antique quilt there.
Still have to work on the mantle.
Does look a bit more roomy in there.
Want a lighter look now.
I lit up the battery candles last night so cool looking on the tall sticks on the hearth!
Now on to the dining room.
Which is not much to do there just clear off table, already put the dishes and linens away.
Pack the sweet nativity away . I used real greenery so that is long gone.
Can't do too much as I had to pull my plants away from the back windows .
They are sitting around here and there.
Had to use that heating unit!!!
We hardly ever have to put that one on too!
These past few cold weeks have been something here.
Was suppose to be snow flurries over night into early AM but so far just cloudy windy and cold.
I bought this wooden frame for 98 cents at a thrift last Saturday.
I plan to paint it black.
This is the pretty red french rooster my niece did for me a couple years ago.
He is going in it.
Now to decide which way I like him in there best!

Neat looking this way...hummm.

Neat looking this way too...hummm!
What do you think???
Maybe after I do a load of laundry , fold & put it away, make the bed, put pork roast with veggies in pot, tackle the dining room...well maybe I will finish cutting the No Sew Swap Blocks, bag 'em up ,pack to mail out...;-)
I like the elongated look best.
ReplyDeleteToday I am going to finally get back into my sewing room. There was just so much going on with yard work, cleaning, etc. after Christmas. It will feel good.
I favor the long one best, too. I love the scarf on your mantle...very pretty!!! We did get some snow overnight.....enough to cover the car windows and the steps....but probably not more than an inch or two.
ReplyDeleteDon't work too hard now, ya hear?
ReplyDeleteI like the Rooster best the long way.
Your house looks so cozy. I think I like the rooster the long way too!
ReplyDeleteThe cat looks like she's trying to make you understand that this is now her spot! I like the frame the long way as well.
ReplyDeleteyour house looks so cozy, like you could just settle in and have a nice visit.
ReplyDeleteI like your rooster the long way looks like he is standing up taller strutting. I like the frame too, what a buy.
You have been one busy gal! Pork roast sounds good. Okay, now just between you and me, don't tell the gals above, I like the rooster best in the top picture, maybe a little less formal? Ha, that sounds a little crazy, he looks a bit uppity in the second picture, can be a bit harder to warm up to an uppity rooster you know!