..and some color mixed in here and there.
Tulips are about over, last ones are these ruffled ones we put in 2 yrs ago.
Last year was not a real good year for anything as we were so dry last couple years from drought. Fun to see what will surprise us each day!!
Seems we have received right much moisture over Winter and continue to, for now, for the plants to get a good start.
Now we have Clematis all budded out Iris blooming and so much else.
So pretty!!

Look even the butterflies are enjoying the blooms.
Still have lilies to look forward too, Stargazers and Easter ones.
I just cannot seem to get those to bloom for Easter no matter what we do!
Also the hostas are up, Linton Roses have jumped!
Azaleas all bloomed out almost over .
We have one bush that is always last to do so.
We still have more outside chores yet to do.
Loads more mulch to put down, dress beds with compost.
Enlarge a couple flower beds, build a bed for some veggies.
Also finish planting the veggie garden.
We will not plant potatoes, pumpkins, corn or butter beans.
Those we will buy from local farmer.
Have not pulled out the plants to porch just yet.
Want to be sure this warm spell will last. Ha!!

Loads more mulch to put down, dress beds with compost.
Enlarge a couple flower beds, build a bed for some veggies.
Also finish planting the veggie garden.
We will not plant potatoes, pumpkins, corn or butter beans.
Those we will buy from local farmer.
Have not pulled out the plants to porch just yet.
Want to be sure this warm spell will last. Ha!!

Parsley, sage and rosemary made it through winter just fine.
Now to plant basil and look for the dill to pop up soon.
Great showing of your plants popping up. Mine are still in the early stages. Hope the warm weather lasts.
ReplyDeleteThere is something energising about plants bursting into growth. I simply adore your tulip....Ann :)