Oh my it does look all so haphazard doesn't it!?!
Really is is not though.
They are well coordinated piles! Ha!!

This one is for a block swap. Just need to press them now and finish cutting out sqs!
Did not like others I had thought I would use so pulled some different ones.
Yes... sometimes I tend to OVER THINK things! UGH!

This is a pile which is cut out bags!
Halloween themed ones.
While in my cleaning out frenzy I came across these.
So I want to finish and not pack back up.
All I have to do is SEW, no cutting, measuring, etc!
Now I should be able to handle that. Humm..we shall see.
Oh Yes there are other piles but I think I will not share those today...;-)
You know I was thinking this AM as I sorted piles.
Others come in here and see piles of 'stuff'..some think junk/trash.
I on the other hand see TREASURE!!!
I am letting some of my TREASURES go...but on to good homes to be appreciated!
I do feel blessed to have what I do and hope I can better use it all after this big makeover!!!
Wishing all a great weekend!
Take care those that may get some bad weather from Danny Boy!