I have heard these words all my life. As I child they did not mean more then Mama say'in it about an empty cookie bag.
Enjoy it while you have it was the second part...well yes I did enjoy them but wanted more. This saying holds true for more then a few cookies as we get older , lost love, lost pals, time, for every lose there was that saying...nothing lasts forever so enjoy while you have it.
I wish I could say I held true to that all my life but I did not. Sometimes life/living just plain gets in the way and we as humans DO NOT take the time to enjoy the moments we have or take for granted those times.I think of the times with my family that are gone never to be repeated, regrets yes but nothing lasts forever, time does not stand still. We move on and enjoy the next moments of our lives.
Oh my this all sounds so maudlin I know but those words came to me this AM, in my Mama's sweet voice, as I was going out with Sadie for her morning stroll. We have rain here so I popped open my old sweet ladies umbrelly as I call it and POP. It busted a seam and went crazy!! I love that dear umbrelly. It is so sad for me see it go. I bought it many years ago at a thrift shop, before it was cool to shop those. I called it my Mary Poppins Umbrelly. Had the same look with lil curved handle. A pretty dark brown aged silk fabric. I am think'in was some ladies Going to Church one. It is not a large one just enough to keep the rain off your pretty hat or maybe sun off your pretty nose. I had noticed the fabric was getting very thin and that age was catching up to it...as it does to us all. I just kept willing it to go on. Alas not to be. No it did not last forever but yes I did enjoy it while I had it. I will add it to my memory book, which over flows with the loved ones, times and things of "GONE but NEVER forgotten".I reckon I will have to shop for a new one..humm ... maybe a very 60's /70's one with the Flower Power look.....my next umbrelly 'phase' I am thinking should be very colorful.
Maybe I could find one of those Twiggy Look plastic hats and coats with the boots as well... !!
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