Did not get in any sewing time.
;-(I did get my
summer watermelon blocks trimmed up and placement decided!
I also picked out sashing fabric and have it ready to sew on.
After that I will decide borders.
*Here is a couple pics of a swap I did last month on
Jana's Sewing Group.Birdy Tea Towel Swap. I sent out to 2 gals.
I made one set with red tones and one set with lime green .
Did a towel, potholder and heat pad.

Been one of those weeks! Did a lot but seems like nothing got done!
Ever been there?? *I had a day
Monday with Aunt Dot again…we ended up having to have her wedding ring cut off.
;-( Had to find a place to do it!!
Not from her being overweight but from her knuckles swollen from the arthritis.
Surgeon said had to come off before they can remove one of the bad C places on her hand, as it will swell.
They did do other biopsies and put a rush on one.
We go back this coming Monday for the hand surgery will be a 2 – 3 hour appt.
So will take a book, needlework and some water with snacks, no afternoon tea
Cross fingers/pray they have that rush bio result back and it is not what he is thinking!!
If it is that they can get to it early!!
Tuesday well I was wore out from Monday.. ha!
I have lots of hats I wear around here so the one on Tuesday was bookkeeper/ accountant /bill payer!! Gives me a head ache..all these hats!!
Did get some wash done and cooked some stuff.
Wednesday got up very early but a tad stiff an achy..so went slow.
Did all the pet early morning stuff.
Decided to see how I would feel after meds and shower whether to proceed with my plans.
I decided to go on with them.
Was to see
Liz at the new
Harris Teeter Grand Opening in Harborview.
Sadly Liz was not feeling up to it and being she had to work the 3-11 best to stay home and rest up.
Great deals to be had!! Beautiful store too new and fresh.
I did great with the bargains and my coupons too!
We are loaded up on ice cream, big 10/15 ct Gulf shrimp, tilapia, coffee, crackers, melons, apples, yellow onions, cheese, bologna!!
Goodness loads of other stuff and then
I won a piece of luggage!
Was hoping for the free grocery thing to come up on the receipt. Ha!!
Must say was very
HOT and HUMID so had my
cold bag full.
Came home unloaded and once again was wore out!
Did get a cake baked for DH to finish up for a dessert to take to office today.
Elbows, hands, back and knees are not happy with me today;-(
So will be a slow stay home rest up
Thursday today.
Friday I go out for a
sewing day at Deb’s.
Will keep it simple so need to decide today what I will take.
She has been working on her
large strip quilt top so may just help her finish that.
Plus want to see Deb’s new redone area!!
Her DH took their huge master bathroom and made it into 3 new areas.
A nice but smaller master bath, guest bath and washer /dryer area.
She has had to go up and down steep stairs for years to basement to wash , not anymore!!!
Good for her!!!
Now if only some of that ‘get it done’ of her DH would rub off on mine…just that part. Haa!!!
*I sure hope the ‘lazy maid’ shows up soon here!!
Maybe I need to RING her bell!! HA!!!!!!
I bet she can’t find her ‘hat’… !!!!
Oh yes we also have some fun visitors back
‘the hummers’.
Have some great pics!!
Also a very unique visitor that we get to see one very year!
Was thinking we had missed seeing any visit this year..NO!!
Will try to post pics tomorrow!
So just a chatty post this time!!Thanks to all my followers and those that post comments!!
I try to respond to all but hard sometimes to stay caught up!!
Some folks are set to ‘no reply’ so no way to say thanks unless you have a blog.
Please know
I truly appreciate you all so much!!
I do hope you will check out
my Blog Roll for some
neat blogs to visit and also the
Blog List further down.
Sadly I cannot have too much graphics on my blog or would never load for me on this slow dial up!!!
There is some talk of making the broad band available here in the boonies but so far just talk!!
The satellite is such an investment of money up and contract up front!!
I just know as soon as we make that commitment the county will run the lines needed for broad band… ha!!!!
Oh well off on I go ,
slow as Mo,
do dah, do dah!
Oh Do Dah Day!!!