That is Quilt Lovers for this coming weekend!
The Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival is in Hampton, VA Feb 23-26, 2012.
Can read about the area and what is nearby here.
We will be attending on Friday.
Hope to arrive early and stay as long as my legs will allow me too!.
Plan as of now to have the Quilters Lunch Buffet.
Not taking any classes or lectures.
Would like to have done a couple.
Really did not think I would be able to attend at all this year.
Thought my knee surgery would prevent it.
Well that has been put off till some other health concerns are 'fixed'.
Surgeons are picky like that!;-)
Anyway will take it slow and enjoy the show day!
If you plan to attend and would like a meet up just send an email!
Love to meet ya!!
Heart Break To Hope
This is an exhibit of the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative(AAQI)donated quilts that will be at the show this year.
So many fine displays it is really hard to see it all!
Then all the venders!
That is like my adult Candy and Toy Mall!!!
Can get high just on the smell of new fabric, patterns and threads!!
So will be sure to post about our fun day!!
Hope weather this year is not as cold and NO SNOW OR ICE!!!
Yes we did get some snow Sunday night.
Just not near the amount or mess they got west and north of us here.
Having a rather 'funny' Winter.
One day freezing next couple days high 60's to 70!
Mild winter and cool summer would suit me fine!
Use less heat and hope less AC come summer!!!
Okay must get to it expecting company today and well need to do a few chores!!!
Take care!!
Forgot to add.....
For now I am going to try the comments without word verification!!
It has become so frustrating for me to do this on other blogs! I hate it!!!!
I had a spam problem way back when so used it but if all goes well will just keep it off!
I set comment moderation after one day. That pretty much eliminates spam.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful trip!!!! I can'r wait to read all about it.
ReplyDeleteBTW....your moderation is still on.
Have fun! I opted not to go and seeing those yummy fabrics in your header makes me wish I would go! Sigh!
ReplyDeleteAs for word verification...when I turned mine off...I got an email the next day asking me what happened to my blog. It just disappeared. I was able to get it back but was concerned that the word thing has something to do with it. I don't know....what to do!
I'm beginning to think it is not necessary to get all the words correct. I just guess at the letters and it seems to accept whatever I type in. One of the words is real clear and the other one is difficult to read. Who knows why blogger does what it does. I enjoy your blog....so don't get too frustrated!
ReplyDeleteOh you and Alice are sooo lucky to get to go to the show... have lots of fun!!! xxx
ReplyDeletedue to illness, I had to miss it this year. how was it? ya gonna post pictures? Liz