More stash fabs today all SNOW FOLKS!!!

I LOVE this Henry Alexander snow folks print and border print.
I am thinking maybe a runner for old chest in living room or for the wash stand.
Just so FUN for Winter!!!

These long tall snow folks are to become place mats I think.
I will add a black print for borders .
That will tie in my black in dining room.

These are just stink'n cute!!
I may just do a pieced quilt using some snowflake blocks along with these to do a quilt.
Most all of the snow folks type fabric I buy is not Christmas themed.
I will use 'snow items' through Jan and Feb to decorate with then I am ready for SPRING!! Ha!
So hope you enjoyed this SNOW FALL better that the real deal.
Not nearly as messy!! No melt away!!!
Forgot to share we will be getting the satellite internet hook up on Oct 1.YES!!!
They were to be here in the boonies Tuesday but called to change it.
Oh well I have waited this long for high speed so a few more days will not kill me!!!