This was the estate sale of folks we have known many years, my DH all his life.
Just around the corner from us.
We arrived early to do the look about thing.
Lots had still not been set out of the barns.
Had some drizzle.
Sorry but I forgot camera !!
At any rate had my list and we begin to look for those items.
Found all but a couple so had to wait for auction to see those.
Soon loads of folks were showing up!
So we and some friends decided to get our chairs set up close.
Yes we got rained on a couple times.
No one complained as we ran to a tent for cover cause we
NEED rain so badly!
Was loads of things, some going very high$$$.
On my list was this sweet pie safe , with no doors!
SCORE!!!Was thinking I could use if for displaying some of my vintage/antique quilts.

Has a drawer at bottom too.

Here is a side view of the punched tin panels.
Some one has also added a drying rack to it!
So today DH and niece gave me the idea to use in my sewing room.
I had wanted to pull more of my stash out of closet so I can SEE IT!
So after I give it a good bit of cleanup and line the shelves we shall see!
LOVE IT! I have to say there was a gal who seemed to want every thing that I wanted!
This was my last
SCORE but was second on my list!
Big oak 1850's O N T Clark's Cotton Spool Cabinet desk!

Yes looks a bit rough but has lived in a barn for a long time!
DH can whip it together for me though.
Freshen up the finish and decals I am happy!
It will live in dining room as too large for my sewing room.

Just so happy to have it and that I out bid..THAT GAL AGAIN! ;-)
Next was a deal of a life time but was
NOT on my list but when the fella said
last chance gavel in the air, DH said GO for it!
A 3 piece oak bedroom suite!

Here is the wash stand.

Above is the tall headboard, foot board and dresser with mirror!
We have the old rails also along with a conversion set of rails.
The ones who thought they had it came up to DH as he and son were loading it up.
The fella was telling him how much each piece was worth.
Can we say
STEAL!!!There is more but will do them on next post!
Last but by no means least a Good Time:
I also met a fellow blogger, Alice in QuilterLand this past Friday night.;-)
A delightful quilt/ sewing partner in crime!!!
We met up at a local quilt shop's Christmas fabric unveiling.
FUN! Had a chatty good time. Bought a wee bit.
No pics..I am slack with the camera what can I say!
Life is good!!!