So it is my BD but 2 of you all get the pressie!!!!
Okay so here is the GiveAway Loot.
I just pulled some things from my own stash.
Some of my fav things! All with a holiday theme!!
One lucky person gets: 3 cute Christmas Fat Qts, strawberry pin cushion (made by me from wool), neat buttons, a nice 2005 mag with cool holiday projects and an unopened pack of 8 older holiday party invitations!! 
Second lucky person gets: A pretty bone china tea cup with pretty blue flowers and gold trim, pretty trimmed napkin, assorted teas , a hard back Christmas novel by Nora Roberts called Gabriel’s Angel and a delicious Cadbury Caramello Candy Bar !!

I may add some surprises too!!!
So here is what you do to be in the drawing!
Post a Happy Birthday post to me telling me YOUR best birthday memory, must do this!!!
Good Luck!!!Look forward to reading some neat memories!!!!
You must have a blog or add an email with your post so I can contact you for mailing info !!
EXTRA EXTRA….if you post the Give Away on your blog and let me know you have another chance at the loot…!!!
I will draw/post the lucky two next Wed Nov 12th, 2008 by 9 PM , EST.
Second lucky person gets: A pretty bone china tea cup with pretty blue flowers and gold trim, pretty trimmed napkin, assorted teas , a hard back Christmas novel by Nora Roberts called Gabriel’s Angel and a delicious Cadbury Caramello Candy Bar !!
I may add some surprises too!!!
So here is what you do to be in the drawing!
Post a Happy Birthday post to me telling me YOUR best birthday memory, must do this!!!
Good Luck!!!Look forward to reading some neat memories!!!!
You must have a blog or add an email with your post so I can contact you for mailing info !!
EXTRA EXTRA….if you post the Give Away on your blog and let me know you have another chance at the loot…!!!
I will draw/post the lucky two next Wed Nov 12th, 2008 by 9 PM , EST.
I am so sorry but must keep this one only for US mailing this time.
When I mailed out my swap to Australia I was shocked at the $$!
Gee seems everything is getting more and more expensive as the days go by!!
Not fair just messing with my fun as I adore swapping all over the world!!!
Hebby Hebby Sigh!
When I mailed out my swap to Australia I was shocked at the $$!
Gee seems everything is getting more and more expensive as the days go by!!
Not fair just messing with my fun as I adore swapping all over the world!!!
Hebby Hebby Sigh!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!!!;-)
Happy Birthday Lola!
ReplyDeleteThe birthday that makes me smile the most is the one where my sister and my best friend got together and hired a male stripper to come to my office at work on my 40th birthday. He was not a well tanned, muscular hunk of a guy...but an "over the hill" white, wrinkled, and not a toned muscle on his body type of stripper, complete with a bouqet of dead roses and pathetic music. I was both humored and humiliated at the same time. Hope yours is much better and hubby cooks you dinner. Cath....web pal since 1995
Happy birthday Lola! I hope you are having a special day being spoiled by your family.
ReplyDeleteMy best birthday ever was my 27th when my unborn son decided he wanted to be born that day (he was 15 days late). I couldn't of asked for a better present (minus the 12 hours of labor).
Happy, happy birthday, Lola!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday gift was just this year. An old work friend emailed me birthday greetings with a picture attached of me when I was 39 and we took a trip to Disneyland. It brought on a rush of good times spent together.
Happy Birthday share the same birthday with my Mom...she is no longer with us so nice to be able to share good wishes to someone on this day! Birthdays always started with a special breakfast, a "surprise" dress that mom had created while we slept and a very creative party with friends to end the day. My husband and kids have continued all kinds of crazy and fun traditions to "make my day"! Getting old isn't that bad!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!My birthday is on the 9th.My best memory will be this year when I win this giveaway and I get the #2 prize with that lovely tea cup!!! haha!! I also remember my 6th birthday when I got to stay home from school because I was sick and I got lots of barbie stuff and coloring books and my grandmother made a special Strawberry cake for me.I miss being little! I will be 30 in a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Lola!!! and MANY MORE!!!
ReplyDeleteOne of mine was back in the day when dd was playing baseball with the boys...good player, all-star, etc. I also ran the concession birthdays were spent on the baseball year a bunch got together and brought this huge full size sheet cake up to the complex decorated likea baseball diamond for me. I just thought that was the sweetest thing. Plenty of cake for all the 'baseball family' and others too got some. And when grandson was playing up there a few years later always spent birthdays up year he said he was gong to hit me a homerun for my birthday present...he never had hit one before and he did it! Right over the fence where I was sitting no less!!!
Happy Birthday Ms Lola! I figured you were having a birthday giveaway. I can't think of my favorite birthday memory. I have one that is a bad memory but don't want to spoil the fun with that. Guess I'll have to think on the good one....
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Birthday Lola! Let's see, my favorite birthday memory...I guess when my husband threw a surprise party for me. It was my 32nd birthday or something, nothing special so I didn't expect it. All of our friends were there and even though I don't like those kind of surprises, :P, it was great fun.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!! I think the sweetest birthday that I can remember is when my youngest child, my daughter surprised me with a birthday party. She was about 12 years old at the time. She made lemon bars and fixed out a spread of chip and dip and sandwiches and invited the neighbors to celebrate her Mom's birthday. She also invited one of my friends from work. I was completely caught off guard. I was a divorced Mom and raising my kids alone. It touched my heart that she wanted to do something special for me like that! I had no clue at all!! Hmmmmmm.... wonder what else she snuck by me? LOL!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday memory is when I was about 10. I love coloring so my brother bought me a color by number kit which thrilled me no end...I remember taking my time and coloring all the pictures and then hanging them on the walls in my room....
As I had kids, my favorite thing to do was color in coloring books with them....
Hope you had a wonderful day!!
Peggy in NJ
Happy birthday from Australia. I'd love to enter but I am more than content with my Stitching Angel parcel winging its way to me at present. It should arrive close to my birthday which will be nice. I nearly died too when I posted my Angel parcel to the USA, sooooo expensive. Spoils the fun a bit doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteMany wishes! My favorite birthdays were the one's my parents gave me when I was a kid. Had the big parties and everything to go with it. Gosh, they were such great days.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for a wonderful birthday! My husband and I got married the day after my 21st birthday, and we had the reception the night before...on my birthday. Most people didn't know it until hubby-to-be disappeared for a moment, then reappeared with a slice of the wedding cake covered in candles. The whole crowd sang happy birthday to me!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy best birthday memory was a few years ago when my husband made a tea-pot shaped cake and decorated it to look JUST like a Mary Engelbriet tea pot! It was a full 3-D shaped cake - it looked like you could just pour out the tea! He made little marzipan flowers and everything for it! It was an amazing gift! So special!
ReplyDeleteMy best birthday was when I gave birth to my first son! He is so proud that he is a birthday thief LOL
Best birthday memory: Last year my best friend in the whole wide world flew up to meet me for my birthday as a surprise! And she brought prezzies! And arranged for a babysitter!
ReplyDeleteIt was so thoughtful and wonderful and such a nice break from life.
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday was when my friends took me to see a concert on the day of my birthday. It was their treat and it was so much fun! I got to see one of my favorite bands! Thanks for the chance to win!
P.S. I'm giving away two Bath and Body Works prizes on my blog. Stop by and throw your name in the hat to win! :)
Happy Birthday Lola, and may your wishes come true!
ReplyDeleteA birthday memory that is unforgettable is when I landed my first teaching job in an inner-city, far from home, thought no one would know it's my birthday, (but the word got out somehow), and the children surprised me singing Happy Birthday and each had a bouquet of flowers for me! Some of the kids didn't even speak English, but they were all smiling ear to ear, delighted that they surprised me!
I have to tell you about the strangest birthday I ever had. I was one week into recovery for a broken leg - 12 screws, metal bars, really bad. Well, I am lying on the couch in the den with a view of the kitchen table. There is my birthday cake(which by the way is my favorite food group)on the table and all my family surrounding the cake as they sing Happy Birthday... With their backs to me, the invalid, in the den. I really felt sorry for me, but it was hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday :) Birthdays have always been a bit strange for me. Since I was little they have always had some kind of bad news or bad weather (April showers) so the best memory I have is last year when the sun was shining and everyone was happy, and it was my first Birthday as a wife
MY best birthday memory was when my husband and I were 1st dating and he showed up at my job with a dozen red roses. It really made my day and I knew then that he was a keeper:)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday memory is probably this years. My sweet children made me breakfast, which included flowers. They spent the whole day pampering me and helping out. I also got to quilt all day! Since my surgery had only been 3 months before it was special since I was on the mend, adn doing much better than expected. I will post about your giveaway on my blog too!
Happy Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteI was around 10 years old and I had a birthday party outside the front of my house. It was your basic birthday but my whole family and friends were there!! I got a Annie Dress!!!
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteWow I love holiday inspired stuff!
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteSeveral friends got together one year to make my birthday extra special. All day long i recieved anonymous notes telling me to get ready by and certain time etc...At 7pm sharp a limo driver knocks on the door and escorts me to the car (i didn't care who it was in there--i was going! too fun)anyway taken on a scavenger hunt thru the city and then desert. So fun..such special friends!
Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday memory is from the first birthday I 22nd birthday. My family did not celebrate birthdays so I had to wait until I was a married adult! I went with my husband and best childhood friend to dinner. We had yummy seafood fondue, chocolate fondue, and champagne. We laughed all night long and took tons of silly pictures. islandergaljessi at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!! I enjoy your blog and your comments on the cottage group so much!!! You always have something new!!! Hope your birthday was great!! My birthday memory is the trip to Amish Country in Ohio, lots of fabric, great food and fun!!! Hugs, Karen K
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! My favorite birthdays is when hubby used to take me to Amish country in Ohio. Lots of fabricv & quilt shopping plus great food and views!! Hugs, Karen K
I truly have lots and lots of good birthday memories........hmmm let me try and pick one. OOO, on my 40th, I was in Las Vegas for the first time, helping my Daddy with his convention and he took my husband and I to my first Las Vegas show.......Splash. We had the best seats and I just felt like quite the "woman".....when we got back, the kids had planned another party for me with the typical "black" theme with lots of friends and neighbors attending......both parties were fun.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday was my 21rst, when my friends made me tacos and carrot cake and topped it all off with mint chip ice cream. (All of these things are favorites of mine, though generally I avoid combining them together.) A bottle or two of sparkly later and suddenly we're on sitting on stage for Xanadu the Musical, and a guy in a purple toga is playing with my hair. Definitely a memorable experience.
Happy Birthday I hope you have a wonderful day!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday was my 21st birthday because my son was born 2 days before, it was the most wonderful gift in the world and he still is.
Happy Birthday to you! My favorite birthday would have to be last years, when we decided to buy the Gammill. It's been a great year and a half.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! My favorite birthday was when I turned 24. We got a limo and went all over town! I was sick the next day, but it was totally fun. I don't do stuff like that anymore, but it's still a good memory.
My husband proposed to me on my birthday. It was a wonderful surprise I wasn't expecting it at all.Thanks:)
ReplyDeletetheresa N