Poor naked tree. It is all packed away in it's bag now.
Yes moving on with the month of January.
Can you believe it is now the second week of the New Year!
Putting the holidays behind us once more.

Loads of Christmas Decor packed up one more time.
Still have a few more things to finish up with all that.
Been a busy time.

Ha... Ha...just thought this fella was looking like.. NO! Not me too..No!

Next on my To Do List is this. TA DA...!!;-)
This is looking into my space inside the door.
To the right is the cutting table and closet.
To left is the pc desk and behind me a book case.
Yes sewing, cutting and ironing can get a bit messy.

When you are doing a lot.
Up till the gift sewing frenzy I had done a pretty good job of straightening up from project to project.
I started moving stuff from pile to pile. ;-(
All I really need to do is put things away in their proper places.
Straighten up the fabric cabinets and closet again.
Putting batting away.
Cleaning off the cutting table!
Whew beginning to sound like a couple days work!
Am I the only one who is messy??
I sure hope not!
Misery loves company ya know!;-)

Yes sewing table end a mess also.
It will look better by weeks end..or that is my plan anyway.
I am still enjoying my 'new' room.
Still tweaking it though.
Lighting is awesome now compared to the dark hole it once was.
Just goes to show painting paneled walls can make such huge difference.
Yesterday was medical run around day for me.
Had some joints drained then some injections.
Not a lot will happen today.
Tomorrow should be better.
We got ice over night with some snow flurries.
Not as bad as it could have been.
Day is not over though and we are to get a mix off an on today.
A cold damp day which is not a good day to be out and about at least for me.
Inside with my own ice packs and heats pads..oh yeah some nice hot tea!
Reading on my NEW KINDLE Santa brought me for Christmas!!
I love being able to just load up a book instead of shopping or library.
Was not sure I would like it but I must say I do!
Really enjoyed having the Kindle yesterday at the medical center.
Easier to handle then a book too.
I was not the only one with one.
Seems it was a Kindle Christmas this year!!
Hope you all are getting on with your New Year and some new projects.
Look forward to seeing them on all your blogs!!
Take care stay warm and dry if you can.
Some kinda Winter we are having so far!!!