..here at our home.
I have started at any rate.
Have more totes to pull out and go through yet.
Will be doing more but wanted to share a few pics of the start.
Still will tweak as I go along, just my nature...;-)
I switched out the Red, White and Blue for more of a Fall look on sofa and wall .
Quilt on the wall is from a fun block swap in a long ago group.
Have a Halloween one as well.
The old quilt on the sofa I found many years ago in the county dumpster!!!!
Some one had set vintage sqs in the brown sashing strips .
I had thought to re do them but decided I like it this way and works for Fall!

Hi Y'all'!!
We are waving at ya from this here mantle!
These fellas are from a Art To Heart Book I made a few years back.
I sold a many of those Punkin Head dolls at shows years ago!

Here is the mantle and hearth...so far.
Still have the garlands, etc. to add.
I put the owl up there to look down and Hoot at us...;-)
He is a long ago mail order kit from Quilts and Other Comforts.

I am using torn homespun in pretty Fall colors for my 'ribbon'.
Have three different ones to use. This is the bigger plaid one.

This is the sofa chest for the moment with burlap.
Have that runner yet to hem so it can go here
Made the Jacks Runner with a diagrammed press on interfacing.
You cut 2 inch fabric sqs , place them on the diagrams where you want.
Press with iron.. next just sew up your seams.
Keeps it all straight.
I need to see if I still have some...;-)

These are a couple pumpkin wire candle holders I picked up a while back at the thrift store.
The runner is from Garden Ridge a few years back.

They are on this old chest for now.
So things may change up a bit before I decide I am done!
Got to get the dining room 'unloaded' from all my moving stuff around.
Somethings I need to finish and work on.
Have a new can of black paint and a brush just itching to get to work!
Thanks for coming by today!!
Come when ya will! ;-)