Where does time go?
Where do the days go?
Seems they go by so fast they are a blur!
I have been busy but still more to do!

Today working a bit in sewing room.
Seems a lot of 'stuff' got deposited in here from the guestroom redo project!
It either has to go back or be absorbed into this small room!
I want to get my pie safes and fabric cabinets moved around in here before surgery.
Put main sewing table back where it was originally.
Make it easier to maneuver in here later on.
Yes I know I will not be sewing at machine and such the week after knee replacement!!
It will at least be ready for when I can!
This is really just some more tweaking to the room I planned on anyway.
It has been trail and error since we did this room in fall of 2010.
Not sure if I shared this with you or not.
Anyway here is my hand sewing basket.
It is wood that looks like cherry or maybe walnut.

Not sure where I got it. Mind rot!
Either a pick up at a sale, thrift or maybe was in MIL's boxes.
At any rate I decided it must be for sewing as it had felt in bottom.
Was not very clean so took out and added a piece of wool.

I just laid some stuff in it for pic.
Putting in needles , scissors, etc. and things to use for hand work.
I am also pulling together some things for the To Do Basket.
Need a wool project, stitchery project and some other smallish projects.
Think best to have a variety of ones to pick and choose from.
I also have a couple projects I do want to finish before surgery.
A table topper, bag and a runner.
One project with the blue/brown bundle to the left up there in pic 2.
We turned cold again!
Man I mean cold! Not just cool.
We had temps in early AM's of 29/30!
This has slowed down some of the flower blooming I think.
Suppose to go back to some what normal temps this coming week.
Still have oodles of pollen blowing around.
So not able to stay out in it too long without getting headache or itchy eyes.
I had to use drops in my eyes both days I was out for appts.
This too shall pass!!

Was cool enough I made a pot of Chicken and Dumplings yesterday.
Not the biscuit kind.
I roll out the dough and cut my own noodles like my Mama taught me!
No recipe or measurements.. just put in what looks right and go!
So warm and comforting!
Not good to have as a regular diet but once in a while is fine!
I think so anyway! hahaha!
What was it that Julia Child used to say.."all things in moderation" or something like that!
We can breath here now as we DID FINALLY get taxes done!
Glad to have that load off our minds!
Wish you the best if you all are running round this weekend trying to get yours done!
Well best get to it round here! Times a wasting!
Have other chores I am doing before I can do the sewing room !!
One being put Advantage on the little bitty Cat From Hell..Cocoa!!!!!
Where is a Cat Whisper when ya need one!!!!
Take care every one!!!
Hope you find some fun this weekend!!!
Stock up on those hand-sewing projects. It will be therapeutic.
ReplyDeleteI love your sewing basket. Perfect for hand projects. And your Chicken and Dumplings reminds me of the ones my sweet Mother in love used to make. She rolled out the dough and cut her own noodles too. Yours looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteYou are getting so organized!!! You will be ready to relax and put your knee up. You will be ready to relax anyway with all the projects you want to get done first. Don't forget to keep the Kindle charged too. Dinner looks yummy.
ReplyDeleteWould you beleive it's Saturday here...
ReplyDeleteYou have been busy organising your sewing place. Love your little basket .
It is a great idea to get everything ready before surgery. It will make recovery easier if your hands are busy too.
ReplyDeleteIt is cold here too. I am ready for this weather to pass.