Yes!! I am in an Americana kinda mood!
After all we Americans have the July 4th Holiday coming up!
Let's make flags! Bust some stash! So easy!

Grab those reds, blues and cream/whites out of that stash!
This is a good scrap basket project too.
I used no whites or brights despite how the pics look.
I am more of any 'age look' kinda gal( in more ways then one;-).
These are very fat quarter friendly too.
They work up fast!
Basic info on doing one flag unit.

From blues cut one 2x9.5 rectangle.
From reds cut two strips 2x18.5 and one strip 2x9.5
From creams/whites cut two strips 2x9.5 and one 2x18.5

Lay out your pieces as you would like.
Using a 1/4 inch seams, sew the three 2x9.5 strips first.
Begin with the cream to red one.
Next add the second cream strip . Press.
Now sew this unit to the blue unit. Press.

This will be the flag top unit.
Oh yes if your 1/4 inch and mine are not the same just trim up the unit now.
Next take one red 2x18.5 strip and sew to the one cream 2x18.5 strip.
Sew the last red 2x18.5 strip to the cream one. Press unit.
This is the flag bottom.
Sew top and bottom units together, press.

There ya go..a flag!
From here let your own creative ideas flow!!
Make candle mats, pillas, wall/window or door hangers, table runner or topper, wall quilts or even a sofa throw quilt!

Now if you like the look you can add buttons for stars.
This is what I did for my wall quilt as part of the quilting.
You can also stitch words on the flag units in the cream strips.
You are limited only by your own imagination!

I used four flag units and did the offset with them for my wall quilt.
I had to trim up three of the flags but hard to tell.
Just one Y seam so not too hard.

Simple stitchery in middle.
I just wrote what I liked, traced to fabric and used DMC floss to stitch .
Did some hand quilting around the stitchery square and in the cream strips only.
Used a simple running stitch, some call it the prim stitch or utility stitch.
Found a neat goldish fabric for the binding which I think just sets it off!
So see scrappy looking flags using fabrics from your stash!
Now I have two flag units left to turn into something FUN!
Hope you have fun making some flags too!