Well here we are beginning a new month and bright and shiny new year!
Happy New Year 2014 to everyone!
Seems like just a few months ago we were celebrating 2013's arrival!!
Another year has flown by me again!!
I recall my elders speaking about how fast the years were going by, now I am that elder!
2013 has been a year of ups and downs, happiness and sadness mixed in with some unexpectedness and a lot of everyday sameness.
Loved , laughed and cried with our family and dear friends.
Experienced the wonders of new drugs and old drugs that kept us going
for yet another year.
Course not every ache or ill was healed .
There have been a few heartbreaks, ups and downs along with acceptance of what cannot be changed.
This is just part of living!
No, not all of our hopes and dreams for 2013 were realized but in some instances that was a good thing!
Not every want we have is good for us!
I feel very blessed to have a roof over my head, enough food to eat and clean water to drink.
Some prayers, hopes and dreams we will carry over into this new year...health and happiness for our family, friends and better health ourselves.
The hope that some where out there is a sweet baby meant to be our new sweet grandchild and make our son and his sweet wife into the parents they so want to be.
My wish for 2014 is to choose to be happy everyday and try my best to live a life of love and caring, forgiveness and be the best person I can be!
I do hope the 'extra' bit of me that appeared in 2013 will slowly go away!
This will be a long term goal to try and lose some weight!
Never in my life did I think I would gain such weight! It must go.. but the right way.
No fad diets or such. Just do my best to eat right and do what exercises I can!
To all reading this blog post, near and far I am wishing you each a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Another Christmas has passed....
Silly me did not get as many pics as I had planned! I get busy having fun and visiting and I forget!
Nephew and family brought us supper over on Christmas Eve. Was delish! We exchanged gifts and had a fun time! They are such a blessing to us.
Our amaryllis bloomed for Christmas Day! Still is so pretty but soon will start wilting I am sure.
The paper whites did not all bloom but still going so maybe they will finish up before long.
Here is the baby boy with his sweet wife. They come early Christmas morning for breakfast then gifts! Still do stockings too;-) They gave us some wonderful gifts we will enjoy a lot! We love having them here which is the best gift of all!
Here is DH and baby Wiggles. She did have her a good time with paper and boxes. Her new toys were a hit as well! Still playing with them as I type this!
Here I am waiting on DH to take my pic so I could get some coffee on Christmas morning!!
Wake up time! Had to get the beef in oven to cook for our meal later.
We all loaded up cars with goodies, beef and trimmings and went to DH's sister's home for the rest of the day.
Had a wonderful meal and spent time with more family.
Dec 26 we spent in PJs all day just laying about. Eating leftovers!
Did not really feel like going out to shop.
Almost feels like a head cold coming on.
Today had to get up and do some chores. Did a bit of clean up and such.
DH wanted some Senate Soup so made a pot of that.
He went to town on some errands and it was ready for him at lunch time.
Will do a hash with beef leftovers for our supper.
We need to pack up a few more tins with candy and goodies to send off as gifts.
Just did not get to it as soon as we normally do this year.
We were still cooking and baking on Christmas Eve!
I so hope we are back on schedule next year!
Goodness I best get back to my chores!
I want to do a bit of sewing later!!!
Monday, December 23, 2013
O Tannenbaum - O Christmas Tree
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your branches green delight us!
They are green when summer days are bright,
They are green when winter snow is white.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your branches green delight us!
You give us so much pleasure!
How oft at Christmas tide the sight,
O green fir tree, gives us delight!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
You give us so much pleasure!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Forever true your colour.
Your boughs so green in summertime
Stay bravely green in wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Forever true your colour.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
You fill my heart with music.
Reminding me on Christmas Day
To think of you and then be gay.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
You fill my heart with music.
From our home to yours we wish each and everyone a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas Day!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Christmas Dining Room
Just leave the soup tureens up all year.
This pretty snowman platter and the plate on the end are treasured gifts.
Simple center piece. Old wooden box with greenery and bells.
Two large jars in there with candles.
Our pretty ginger haus! They say welcome and come when you will!
Top of the old green pie safe.
A couple nut crackers. Yes I have changed the days till Christmas!
Sweet sampler made by my niece.
Wash stand with a chocolate set from my son. Very old linen Santa towel.
Another wonderful gift I treasure.
So that is the dining room all set for Christmas guests!
We have been at it today! Baking and decorating.
DH got the outside things up.
I also decided to put up a real tree!
Started my cookie baking. We have candy/ cookie tins to get done for gifts.
We also make candy and do peanuts. A few pound cakes and nut rolls.
Hopefully we can finish up tomorrow!
I would like to finish up couple sewing projects. Will see how it goes!
Broke some records today temp wise! It is so warm here for first day of Winter!
Tomorrow we are to be near 80F!
Well this gal is whupped so off to shower then my head on a pilla!
Hope everyone is all ready for however you are spending Christmas Day!
This pretty snowman platter and the plate on the end are treasured gifts.
Simple center piece. Old wooden box with greenery and bells.
Two large jars in there with candles.
Our pretty ginger haus! They say welcome and come when you will!
Top of the old green pie safe.
Sweet sampler made by my niece.
Wash stand with a chocolate set from my son. Very old linen Santa towel.
Another wonderful gift I treasure.
So that is the dining room all set for Christmas guests!
We have been at it today! Baking and decorating.
DH got the outside things up.
I also decided to put up a real tree!
Started my cookie baking. We have candy/ cookie tins to get done for gifts.
We also make candy and do peanuts. A few pound cakes and nut rolls.
Hopefully we can finish up tomorrow!
I would like to finish up couple sewing projects. Will see how it goes!
Broke some records today temp wise! It is so warm here for first day of Winter!
Tomorrow we are to be near 80F!
Well this gal is whupped so off to shower then my head on a pilla!
Hope everyone is all ready for however you are spending Christmas Day!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Almost Christmas!
So been busy here with lots of things. Medical appts, dental appts, shopping, cleaning.
Just now getting what small bit of holiday decor out we are doing this year. Weather has not been that great to go pull things out from storage. Too much rain!
Olde Santy by BittersweetFolksArt. Still have more sewing to finish up. Which may be 'After Christmas' gifts...;-)
No big tree this year. Pulled out the two small ones with antique glass ornaments. Up from Wiggles!
Quilted runners and other items I have made over the years.
Also have this pretty black iron tree, gift from niece, hanging with lovely cross stitch ornaments made by another friend and pretty handmade angels we got in Canada many years ago.
Our simple snow folk nativity I stitched in red work with beads. Sorry... forget the designer!
Sweet snow angel from my friend Mandy of BittersweetFolkart.
Still love this Art to Heart stitchery I did a long while back.
Pretty needle rolls stitched by my niece.
Most all of the things I have shared I pulled from cedar chests and closets! Some I am sure you have seen before if you have been following me a while. ;-)
Today I was cleaning or trying too! Still a bit more to do. We have yet to begin our holiday sweets making and baking! So that will happen over weekend! Make more mess! hahaha!
Will share dining room pics later!
Supper is not going to fix it's self!
Meat Loaf with garlic buttered snaps and mashed potatoes.
I am rather hungry now I think about it! Worked up and appetite!
Take care now and hope you all are more on the ball then I am!!!!
Just now getting what small bit of holiday decor out we are doing this year. Weather has not been that great to go pull things out from storage. Too much rain!
Olde Santy by BittersweetFolksArt. Still have more sewing to finish up. Which may be 'After Christmas' gifts...;-)
No big tree this year. Pulled out the two small ones with antique glass ornaments. Up from Wiggles!
Quilted runners and other items I have made over the years.
Also have this pretty black iron tree, gift from niece, hanging with lovely cross stitch ornaments made by another friend and pretty handmade angels we got in Canada many years ago.
Our simple snow folk nativity I stitched in red work with beads. Sorry... forget the designer!
Sweet snow angel from my friend Mandy of BittersweetFolkart.
Still love this Art to Heart stitchery I did a long while back.
Pretty needle rolls stitched by my niece.
Most all of the things I have shared I pulled from cedar chests and closets! Some I am sure you have seen before if you have been following me a while. ;-)
Today I was cleaning or trying too! Still a bit more to do. We have yet to begin our holiday sweets making and baking! So that will happen over weekend! Make more mess! hahaha!
Will share dining room pics later!
Supper is not going to fix it's self!
Meat Loaf with garlic buttered snaps and mashed potatoes.
I am rather hungry now I think about it! Worked up and appetite!
Take care now and hope you all are more on the ball then I am!!!!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Just had to build me a snowman!
Folks all around us seem to have snow but not us. We did have a bit of sleet but that turned into rain. Rain and more rain. All weekend and today with more expected Tueday as well.
Cold too as it did not make 40F.
Welcome Winter!
So what is a gal to do but dig into her bag of wool and make a snowman pilla!
I have thrift shop wool skirts cut, washed and ready to use.
Have not had any luck finding any in a while. Mostly wool blends.
Blends work good if you plan to sew then up. Do not work for appliqueing.
Used black beads for the eyes and his sweet smile. He is all hand appliqued with DMC floss using the buttonhole stitch. This is not a pattern for fabric it was an old one I had for wood cutting. Never know where you will find inspiration!
This was a fast project really. Maybe 3 hrs total. Did the applique watching Hallmark Christmas movie.
He does need something to hold. Not sure this bell will work with Wiggles! May have to make him a star or something.
The scarf is a nice loose weave so made it some fringes!
He truly is not as white as in these pics. It is a cream wool. I did not age it this time. So not a small bitty but not super big pilla either. No Christmas colors so he can stay around to play through Jan and Feb!!!
Happy to report my camera is working again. The newer one that is. Was not the battery but the charger! I ordered a new one when I ordered the new battery, which has yet to arrive. The charger came first. So decided to try charging old battery and BAM!! Reckon it was meant to happen that way so I would know what was the problem! Yes I think like that...as I always need all the help I can get!;-)
Same thing happened with my old phone...charger stopped charging. We had another one that worked so used that up till I inherited DH's old phone when he upgraded.
Well reckon I best get a move on. Chores do not wait for sunshine!!
Happy Monday!!!
Posted pattern give-away winner on this post!
Cold too as it did not make 40F.
Welcome Winter!
So what is a gal to do but dig into her bag of wool and make a snowman pilla!
I have thrift shop wool skirts cut, washed and ready to use.
Have not had any luck finding any in a while. Mostly wool blends.
Blends work good if you plan to sew then up. Do not work for appliqueing.
Used black beads for the eyes and his sweet smile. He is all hand appliqued with DMC floss using the buttonhole stitch. This is not a pattern for fabric it was an old one I had for wood cutting. Never know where you will find inspiration!
This was a fast project really. Maybe 3 hrs total. Did the applique watching Hallmark Christmas movie.
He does need something to hold. Not sure this bell will work with Wiggles! May have to make him a star or something.
The scarf is a nice loose weave so made it some fringes!
He truly is not as white as in these pics. It is a cream wool. I did not age it this time. So not a small bitty but not super big pilla either. No Christmas colors so he can stay around to play through Jan and Feb!!!
Happy to report my camera is working again. The newer one that is. Was not the battery but the charger! I ordered a new one when I ordered the new battery, which has yet to arrive. The charger came first. So decided to try charging old battery and BAM!! Reckon it was meant to happen that way so I would know what was the problem! Yes I think like that...as I always need all the help I can get!;-)
Same thing happened with my old phone...charger stopped charging. We had another one that worked so used that up till I inherited DH's old phone when he upgraded.
Well reckon I best get a move on. Chores do not wait for sunshine!!
Happy Monday!!!
Posted pattern give-away winner on this post!
Square-agonals Pattern Give-away Winner!
Give-away is closed.
Winner is Sandi who said:
Thanks to all who played!
I do hope you will try a Square-agonal pattern next time you see one!!
More goodies coming soon! Tis the season for gifting!! Hope you come back by soon!!!
Winner is Sandi who said:
December 4, 2013 at 2:33 PM
the Storm at Sea on the cover of the Simple Sensational book looks
wonderful! But I do have to say, all her patterns intrigue me. Thanks
for the fun!
Thanks to all who played!
I do hope you will try a Square-agonal pattern next time you see one!!
More goodies coming soon! Tis the season for gifting!! Hope you come back by soon!!!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Sew Crafty....
I made up these two sweet music ornies to see how it would work. They made up fast and easy though a tad messy. So reckon need to do up the others.
We needed some ornies that baby Wiggles could not break if she decides to get nosy during the night.
Saw this idea a long time ago done one paper ornament blanks.
Got these plastic ones cheap with a coupon at Micheal's and the pretty napkins at Homegoods in Williamsburg. Now I am thinking the cheap $Tree Store ornies would work as well. Get 10 for a buck or used to be.
Had lots of pretty snow glitter from my crafting days. This jug Mod Podge had separated and I could not get it stirred back but still worked!!
Paper plates are my thing when I do messy or paint. Sturdy to hold up then so easy to toss away when done for easy clean up!
The napkins were three ply so took them apart. All you want is the top print.
Do not do this with sticky fingers...;-)
I cut mine in strips. Sometimes you can tear the strips and it looks nice but these did not want to work that way! Besides I wanted as much of the music and not the open spaces.
So all I did was add wire hanger first then paint the plastic ornament with the glue and layered on the napkin strips as I wished.
Must go gingerly and not rush. Napkin will tear easy. Brushed on more glue and rolled in the snow glitter.
Hang up to dry.
TA DA!!! All done and looking so pretty!!!
We needed some ornies that baby Wiggles could not break if she decides to get nosy during the night.
Saw this idea a long time ago done one paper ornament blanks.
Got these plastic ones cheap with a coupon at Micheal's and the pretty napkins at Homegoods in Williamsburg. Now I am thinking the cheap $Tree Store ornies would work as well. Get 10 for a buck or used to be.
Paper plates are my thing when I do messy or paint. Sturdy to hold up then so easy to toss away when done for easy clean up!
The napkins were three ply so took them apart. All you want is the top print.
Do not do this with sticky fingers...;-)
I cut mine in strips. Sometimes you can tear the strips and it looks nice but these did not want to work that way! Besides I wanted as much of the music and not the open spaces.
So all I did was add wire hanger first then paint the plastic ornament with the glue and layered on the napkin strips as I wished.
Must go gingerly and not rush. Napkin will tear easy. Brushed on more glue and rolled in the snow glitter.
Hang up to dry.
TA DA!!! All done and looking so pretty!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Square-agonals Pattern Give-away! CLOSED!
This giveaway is closed!
Okay as promised here is the pattern give-away, Pretty in Plaid!
Courtesy of Sandi Blackwell creator/designer of Square-agonals!
I first tried this technique in Oct. You can read about it here.
Thought I had goofed up but Sandi contacted me and explained I had not!
She was so kind to offer me some patterns to try again and have a giveaway as well!
Please check out Sandi's web page, Stitched Buy.
Some nice freebies that can introduce you to the technique.
Do check out her other Square-agonals patterns books and classes. I believe Sandi has a quilting cruise coming up next year as well!
I am calling it a Christmas plaid.
After all we are almost at Christmas Time! I love using plaids for the holiday.
You can get a better look at this pattern on her web site.
My old camera is not doing well these days.
Wiggles 'accidentally' knocked it off a table;-)
Ordered a new battery for my other camera. So hope that will fix it. If not reckon Santa will have to bring me one! I am not a high dollar camera gal. I do fine with the lower end ones. No wishes to be a 'pro pic taker here!
So here is what to do to use and enjoy this neat pattern for yourself!
Be a blog follower, new followers welcome.
Check out Sandi's site and tell me which other patterns/books you like!
That is it! Open to all!
Will close give-away Dec 8,2013.... Sunday evening 5pm EST .
If you are a no-reply blogger add email in your comment other wise will pull another name if can not contact you.
Thanks to Sandi for the pattern!!!
Good luck to all!!!
Okay as promised here is the pattern give-away, Pretty in Plaid!
Courtesy of Sandi Blackwell creator/designer of Square-agonals!
I first tried this technique in Oct. You can read about it here.
Thought I had goofed up but Sandi contacted me and explained I had not!
She was so kind to offer me some patterns to try again and have a giveaway as well!
Please check out Sandi's web page, Stitched Buy.
Some nice freebies that can introduce you to the technique.
Do check out her other Square-agonals patterns books and classes. I believe Sandi has a quilting cruise coming up next year as well!
I am calling it a Christmas plaid.
After all we are almost at Christmas Time! I love using plaids for the holiday.
You can get a better look at this pattern on her web site.
My old camera is not doing well these days.
Wiggles 'accidentally' knocked it off a table;-)
Ordered a new battery for my other camera. So hope that will fix it. If not reckon Santa will have to bring me one! I am not a high dollar camera gal. I do fine with the lower end ones. No wishes to be a 'pro pic taker here!
So here is what to do to use and enjoy this neat pattern for yourself!
Be a blog follower, new followers welcome.
Check out Sandi's site and tell me which other patterns/books you like!
That is it! Open to all!
Will close give-away Dec 8,2013.... Sunday evening 5pm EST .
If you are a no-reply blogger add email in your comment other wise will pull another name if can not contact you.
Thanks to Sandi for the pattern!!!
Good luck to all!!!
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