I am hoping to be home by Friday!
Ready to get surgery and the rest all behind me!!!!
Thanks for all the wonderful wishes and prayers!!
I appreciate you all!!
LolaThis is the entry and the closet. Pipe is in closet wall. Main water pipe from the pump to the house.
They took up carpet padding and the sub flooring . Wall in closet will go also. Pulled out insulation in walls and under house that was soaked.
Here is some of the drying blowers and dehumidifiers they set up.
Here are the Serv Pro workers tearing out sewing studio floor including closet area. So almost half went that day. All will be ripped out this week. Contractor and crew will be here Thursday to begin.
This too went down to the plywood.

Don't know if you can see how much the wall is bowed out or not. That paneling soaked up a lot of water.
They set up more equipment in sewing studio.
Did right away took out some things but not all at that time.
Has all dried now. ServPro came got the equipment. Now all the repairs, replacements and cleaning left up to the repair contractor.

All my sewing studio and part of the living room is now hiding in this POD!
Spent Mother's Day with DH and son packing it all up!
No way will all be done by May 22nd! I am just going to 'let it go'...as nada worrying will do for me. One day at a time is all we can do.
Have had a possible problem develop that may move surgery date out further. Will know more at my GP Dr. appt tomorrow!
Ok now what is that saying about what does not kill ya will make ya stronger????? Just call me Mrs. Hulk!!!
I am going to take a blog break for a few weeks now. Just too much going on and none of it is fun stuff!
Hope to be able to at least read some blogs after surgery!
So take care everyone!
Thanks for all the kudos!!