Well it is that time again!
The Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival held in Hampton/Newport News, VA.
It is year 22 for this show.
Always look forward to see the projects chosen to be best of show.
Quilt above was a fav of mine from 2010 show.
Local info here.
I adore walking the vender area looking at new books, patterns, machines , etc.
Top on the list is maybe finding some fabric and thread I NEED.. within my budget of course.!;-)
We spend the day, bringing our own snacks, mid day meal and tea or coffee.
Love seeing folks I only see at this show.
Alice, Diana and I will be there Thursday, Feb 24th!
First day opening!!
I may pop back over on Friday.
Depends on how my legs feel after Thursday!
I would love to see ya if you are going to be there!
Just email me .. primthreads@yahoo.com !!
Thanks so much for all the kind thoughts for Aunt Dot.
We have a couple more appts , one today.
Sure hope she can have the back injections and they will give her some relief.
Aunt Dot is so totally inspiring!
At 90 she still cooks, cleans up, laundry and takes care of Uncle Ollie, 2+ years her junior!
He is not in great health physically or mentally.
She gets around with her cane or walker.
Just amazing her strong will, be it the best for her own health or not.
Aunt Dot ROCKS!
Just sort of gives new meaning to 'suck it up and deal'!!!
Okay I am off to get more chores done before time to leave.
Will be busy up till the show.
I will try to do a post on Friday to share some of it with you!!
Oh yes weird weather yet again!
Was 73F yesterday... today we are only at 32F right now!!!!
Wind out of the NNE and blowing hard!
Course cold wind on Quilt Show Day is a tradition...;-)
Hope whatever your weather I wish you a grand day!
Please send out thoughts and prayers to our friends in New Zealand!!
Such a terrible tragedy there with the earth quake in Christchurch.