Our sweet little Sadie beagle is very ill.
She has got worse through this weekend .
Been to vet several times already and back today.
Trying to make her as comfy as we can hoping the meds ease her off some.
Even harder times coming sooner than we ever thought.
To say we are devastated is an understatement.
Please say a prayer for Sadie and us as we take this journey together.
Thanks so much.
Thanks SO much for all your kind words , prayers and thoughts.
Means a lot to know others understand.
It is really hard, emotionally and physically to deal with right now.
We do not know how long it will go on or when it will be time to let go..at least not yet.
Love never wants to let go so we just take each hour and day as it comes.
When we took our sweetie in we knew there was so much we did not know but did not care.
She had us from the moment those sweet lil brown eyes looked up at us and said…help me.
We were not looking… she found us.
No matter this heart break and how we know it will end we would never trade a moment of her time with us . She came when we needed her just as much as she needed us.
I hope you will excuse cover message to all instead of individual email responses.
I will be back when I can.
Right now my mind and heart is elsewhere.
Thanks so much .
Hugs to each of you,