Special Day....
36 years ago today my lil gal was born!!!
It was a hot and humid early morning in that lil Missouri town. I was also pretty much knocked out so do not remember too much....ha!!
I do recall her little cry more like a kitten meow then any loud crying!!
She was 7+ pounds an 21 inches long! Almost as tall as me..haa!!
She is still taller then her Mama.
Now she is a Mama to 6...yes 6 babes of her own..5 boys and one very cute lil gal!!WOW!!
She has had many an obstacle to over come. She continues to be an amazing Mom and wonderful human being!! So very proud of her.
36 years ago today my lil gal was born!!!
It was a hot and humid early morning in that lil Missouri town. I was also pretty much knocked out so do not remember too much....ha!!

I do recall her little cry more like a kitten meow then any loud crying!!
She was 7+ pounds an 21 inches long! Almost as tall as me..haa!!
She is still taller then her Mama.
Now she is a Mama to 6...yes 6 babes of her own..5 boys and one very cute lil gal!!WOW!!
She has had many an obstacle to over come. She continues to be an amazing Mom and wonderful human being!! So very proud of her.
We do not live near each other but we do try to stay connected by phone and email.
Do wish we could be together today for yet another Birthday Party!!!!
Happy Birthday Dear One!!!!.
Pop and I will enjoy this day full of memories of you!!!!
Love you "muchly"!!!
Do wish we could be together today for yet another Birthday Party!!!!
Happy Birthday Dear One!!!!.
Pop and I will enjoy this day full of memories of you!!!!
Love you "muchly"!!!
Lola, please extend a very big "Happy Birthday" to your daughter from me!