I am no longer walking with a cane! Have only 4 more PT appointments then will be done.
Course I still have the exercise routine I must continue at home.
Still have some swelling which makes bending more difficult but this will pass, so all the med folks say.
Deal with some pain but is manageable with meds.
Least I can do more.YES!!
Speaking of which...have emptied all those 14 sewing studio totes!!

So the room is beginning to look more like it should once more!
Not the horrid mess it was!
Still tweaking as I go along to make the room work better.

My next big plan is to move this PC out of here and put my old treadle in it's place.
It is a big plan because some one has to go under house to move the cable and it will not be me!
PC will go to guest room.
We bought a nice heavy duty steel shelving unit for closet.
It holds all my machines and heavy mags, ironing boards, some bolts of fabric plus a lot more.
No need to have to go in closet that often.

Most all of my fabric is now out in the room easy for me to see and get too.
My first sewing project is a new valance for the windows.
Have a pretty floral with my fav reds!
So need DH to hang the pretty rod for that also a matching rod for my design wall which will go to the right of the closet doors in pic below.
Still want to finish going through drawers doing a clean out.
Better way to sort my 'stuff' so easier to find what I want when I want it, if that is possible!
Don't snicker now....miracles do happen ya know! ;-)

Works out great in this spot.
That one tote ya see there is what I have decided will donate to local thrift!
Have my patterns yet to go through.
Plan to list some on Ebay, Etsy or maybe do a yard sale blog.
Hummm... may need to have a giveaway too!!
A big thanks for hanging with me though all the damage mess and my knee replacment!!
I appreciate you all so much!
Still have other things to put away or hang up on wall but all in all it is pretty much done.
This room was a total mess!
So now all new sub floor , new flooring, new dry wall in closet and repainted.
I sure hope this is the last major redo in the room for a goodly bit!!!